Stil having issues with Gyno...


Doing all the right protocol on Armidex and diet.
But still having issues with Gyno, seems like it is not keeping my E2 down.
Could my source be bunk on AI's ?
Someone point a Marine in the right direction
No blood work yet.
I know for a fact E2 is high because of a hard lump in my nipple.
Pretty sure my AI is bunk. That's seems to be the problem in the AAS industry.
I have gotten lumps to start while blasting with e2 in range vreigned wit blood work. I'm not high in body fat just I beleive sensitive to e2 changes.

You need blood work to confirm e2 levels before assuming your AI is bunk or under dosed. That being said it's recomended to run tomax or Raloxifene at 30mg ed on cycle to help prevent gyno flare ups. If you do get gyno it's recommended to run raloxifene to reverse it:

I've used this protocol and it worked for my situation
You can get your own bloodwork cheap and quick

I have adex precription but use RUI liquid because I have my e2 dialed in on trt with a .35 mg dose. Try getting that by splitting a pill. Never had an issue with RUI's adex
Hopefully when I get my blood work done. She will prescribe me adex.
I'll buy some rolaxifeine and tomax from RUI just in case