Still crashed 1 week after pct..


New member
Finished a 12 week test e cycle,

10 days hcg at 500iu

25 days clomid and nolva

Since I came off post cycle therapy (pct) erections went back to normal but low libido now erections are not happening and no libido, tried to take some aromasin yesterday incase of high e but no better, if anything, worse. Thinkin about proviron and another 2 weeks clomid. Any ideas?
Because you say taking the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) made it worse, you may have to low E and it's causing your problems?
Or maybe because it takes longer than 1 day to feel the affects of aromasin depending on the dose. Even tho aromasin kicks in quick you won't notice much of a difference the next day. Let it build up in your system for 1week. If it was me I would continue clomi @50mg/day for 2weeks and aroma @10mg/day for 2-3weeks