Still losing hair after PCT?


Never Satisfied
So it's been about 5 weeks now after PCT, and I'm still shedding hair, and I can tell that its receding, like giving me that widows peak... When I was taking dutast during pct it didn't fall out, as soon as I stopped taking it, it slowly began to she'd again...
Ive been using nizrol 3-4x/week. Doesn't really do much besides thicken my hair. Any ideas or anything, I plan on taking a blood test in 5-8 weeks since I was on a pretty long cycle.
Lol. I've found rogaine (minoxidil) to be quite effective. But like kozmo said, you have MPB. It's gonna go whether you like it or not. Best you can hope for is to delay it with drugs. I'd avoid dutast or other DHT inhibitors though... Look into minox.
Lol. I've found rogaine (minoxidil) to be quite effective. But like kozmo said, you have MPB. It's gonna go whether you like it or not. Best you can hope for is to delay it with drugs. I'd avoid dutast or other DHT inhibitors though... Look into minox.

forusre will do, I've been reading the reviews on rogaine. My age is pretty young to have started with MBP, but I guess thats what I get for doing 3 cycles. Fine with that since I knew this could be an outcome, though no one really has MBP in the family.
Its seems that everyone usually gets 1 of 3 side effects. Which is hair loss, acne, and gyno. If youre really unlucky, youll get two or even all three...