Still low test after pct


New member
I recently ran a 10 week cycle during the the summer up in till the end of august which consisted of test 400 and deca. I ran my pct 2 1\2 weeks after my last shot, Ran my pct for about 4 1\2 weeks from october midway through november... And had blood work done last week and my total test was 200 which is low prior to my cycle i had blood work done and my total test was avg 550... So what could it be i ran exmestane and nolva? my pct was pretty solid couldnt get a hold of hcg or else i would of kickstarted that halfway out... A few of my gear head buddies think I should run clomid with a test booster for 4 weeks and then get blood work done again? Im just baffled never had this happend before usually my natural kick starts after post cycle therapy (pct). Im still young 24. Just sucks Ive lost alot of size and strength and im still tranining 4 days a week solid diet etc so I need help? :dance2::confused:
I'm in the same boat as you bro. It suck's!

Ya man I was loving life on my cycle solid 225 and still lean then slowly into my pct started losing gains im 210 with low test levels Im thinking running clomid with hypertest for a month then reevaluate my problem if not ill get my tax return and run a quick cycle I dunno fuck
age ?

Remember..deca CRUSHES natty test and metabolites linger for up to and over 6 months....

Hopefully in time your level s will return...mine never did....
age ?

Remember..deca CRUSHES natty test and metabolites linger for up to and over 6 months....

Hopefully in time your level s will return...mine never did....

Im 24... Ive ran deca cycles in the past without any problems before during and after pct...:blue:
Not to be an alarmist...but by 24 I too had run cycles...and continued to until I was about test has never been right. I m at 110 w o trt. Wait and see what happens..I know that is lame but ...mine never came back.
Not to be an alarmist...but by 24 I too had run cycles...and continued to until I was about test has never been right. I m at 110 w o trt. Wait and see what happens..I know that is lame but ...mine never came back.

Yea man im gonna run clomid with a test booster and see what happends for a 4 weeks and get blood work done again hopefully by then ill be ok