Stop Anavar for surgery?


New member
I am three weeks into my Anavar cycle. I am having minor surgery tomorrow in which the plastic surgeon is moving a piece of Strattice down on my chest wall. He told me I would be out of the gym for approximately two weeks.
My questions is - should I stop my Anavar cycle while I am out for two weeks? Would I be wasting time on my cycle since I'm not in the gym?
I am 41, have been lifting with a trainer for a couple of months now, and working with 3J on my nutrition (just for some background). I am currently taking clen/var/hgh.
Thanks :)
I'd imagine he's going to be putting you on pain meds which in themselves are hepatotoxic, so taking an oral steroid likely isn't going to be doing your liver any favors either.

My .02c :)
why not just tell the doctor you're taking Anavar (var), and ask him what he suggests?

I did tell him (and the anesthesiologist) prior to surgery what I was taking. I'm not sure why it didn't occur to me to ask him about taking it post-op to minimize muscle loss...but good advice German89! I see him Wednesday, and I will ask.