Stopping niggling injuries


New member
Want to know the best way to approach training for sports performance enhancement.

I am in my mid 30's and I want to get back on the pro tennis scene but keep getting small injuries that slow my training progress. What would help with performance as well as recovery best? Hgh? Test? Combo?
I currently work as a trainer, I do weights regularly and eat a ton of good food. Shoulders, hips and back get real sore after high loads of training in the gym and on court.

If your pain is joint/tendon/ligament related, AAS won't help you at all - in fact, it very well could make it worse. HGH does work, but it can be quite expensive and you do put yourself at risk of purchasing bunk HGH. Rest and lots of it will work wonders for you. I would also suggest looking into TB500 as many here have seen a measure of success with it.

My .02c :)