storing deca in a syringe


New member
im planning to do350 sust 350 deca cycle..

i have 250mg apms, im planning to do 250 test/deca on monday and 100 test/deca on thursday.. can i strore the remaining deca dose in a syringe to use it next time?? not repeat the syringe, just in the following week and repeat this every week??

please help, it'll save me a lot of money
can i do test lower than deca??? say 350 sust 375 deca??? and should i keep the syringe in the refrigerator or can i keep it in the cupboard???

Not sure what you mean about test lower than deca. Are you talking doses now? There's no tangible difference when you're talking +/- 25mg/wk on a blast.

Both compounds can be left at room temperature In sterile syringes.
Not sure what you mean about test lower than deca. Are you talking doses now? There's no tangible difference when you're talking +/- 25mg/wk on a blast.

Both compounds can be left at room temperature In sterile syringes.

No, im preparing for my cycle.. and by test lower than deca meaning 350 test 375 deca.. i had 3 options
1. 350 sust/ 300 deca
2. 500 sust/ 300 deca
3. 350 sust/ 375 deca

with aromasin @ 12.5mg ED & caber @ .50mg E3D
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1 cycle, test only 12 weeks.. age 27.. weight 175 lbs... now cutting might drop to 170 lbs..

Try giving complete info and I can provide better answers.

How much test did you run?how often did you pin? What ester of test?
Ai and/or hcg?
How were the results?
Any side effects or signs of high or low e?

Deca isn't a good cutting compound. You CAN cut with anything as it's mostly diet related, but I'd recommend avoiding deca.
Yes. No problem.

See, I'd actually say no. Doesn't the alcohol in the carrier of the oil slowly degrade the plastic, meaning, that depending on how long you leave it for, you're injecting a bit of liquid plastic into your body?
See, I'd actually say no. Doesn't the alcohol in the carrier of the oil slowly degrade the plastic, meaning, that depending on how long you leave it for, you're injecting a bit of liquid plastic into your body?

I think overtime it does, but I was assuming he'd be using it within that week.
I know guys preload syringes for travel etc.
Try giving complete info and I can provide better answers.

How much test did you run?how often did you pin? What ester of test?
Ai and/or hcg?
How were the results?
Any side effects or signs of high or low e?

Deca isn't a good cutting compound. You CAN cut with anything as it's mostly diet related, but I'd recommend avoiding deca.

Im not cutting with deca.. im using clen.. test and deca would be my bulking cycle in a months time
last cycle was 500 test e pw monday thursday
adex @ .5mg ed.. was having e2 issues, thats why low dose this time.. hcg throughout the cycle @ 500iu...
this time im using aromasin..
im not looking to compete anytime soon, so want to take it slow and steady
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this time im being conservative with dosing.. so my final plan was

Week 1-14 sustanon 350mg PW
Week 1-12 Deca 300mg PW
Week 1-14 Aromasin 12.5mg ED
Week 1-14 Caber 0.5mg E3D
Week 15-17 (Continue aromasin 12.5mg ed and hcg 1000iu EW)
Week 18-21 Nolva/Clomid 20/20/20/20 and 50/50/25/25 respectively...
See, I'd actually say no. Doesn't the alcohol in the carrier of the oil slowly degrade the plastic, meaning, that depending on how long you leave it for, you're injecting a bit of liquid plastic into your body?

I'm pretty sure the plastic will not degrade. I mean BA and BB are sold in plastic containers. Not sure if the type of plastic makes a difference or not. But the concern is the rubber plunger. I'm pretty sure the solvents can eat away at that over time. But then again, vials have rubber stoppers so I really don't know how legitimate this theory is. Could be total bro-science. The longest I've saved oil in a syringe was no more than a day so I can't really say how long is safe.