no its very unsafe, and leave your stirility comrpimised. pin all the deca at once or call it a loss. f it was me i would pin it all over tossing it and specially over sotiring gear ina syringe, its a very stupid thing to do (yeah yeah i know some do it, some also cross the street without looking, doesnt make it the thing to do) ontop of sterility it can eat at rubber plunger in syringe and other things, DONT DO ITim planning to do350 sust 350 deca cycle..
i have 250mg apms, im planning to do 250 test/deca on monday and 100 test/deca on thursday.. can i strore the remaining deca dose in a syringe to use it next time?? not repeat the syringe, just in the following week and repeat this every week??
please help, it'll save me a lot of money