Strange injection experience


New member
So about an hour ago i was on my second to last injection #23 out of 24 injections for the cycle. I have rotated left and right quads the whole cycle and every pin has went good until todays. I stuck the pin in all the way and i did feel a little more pain than normal... but I aspirated, and no blood, so i injected 1ml of test. As soon as i pulled the whole needle out blood started squirting out of my leg in a small stream about 3-4 inches high. I quicky put an alcohol swab over it and applied pressure... it stopped bleeding within seconds.

Thankfully i am used to pinning by now and although it was a bit of a shock, i didnt really freak out... i actually had a laugh after it stopped bleeding. Does anyone know why this would have happened? Did the needle go through a large vein on the way down or something? Did that shot of test even work or could have it squirted back out?
It worked fine, you went thru a small vein
^^^ This. You probably nicked it near the surface and while aspirating in the muscle didn't draw any blood, it was close enough to the surface to give you a good geyser. The test is probably happily still chilling inside the muscle with a nice bruise building on top of it. Don't be surprised if you're a little sore for the next couple days. At least that's what happened to me before. :p
^^^ agreed , ive heard of this happening before , i woudnt worry , also dont be surprised if u do actually begin to bruise in the area, it would be the blood inside under the skin that got away . ull be fine
Its all good! Same happened to me in my delt. Was shooting test prop and when I pulled out squirted 3-4 inches away lol ruined one of my gf towels lol she was not impressed lol