Strength lost after PH


New member
When do I lose Stength. Did Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) last week and on 2nd week Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) after PH. Novadex after HCG. Still have my strength.
Pro-hormones clear your system within 24hrs. You should have been running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during your cycle and started nolva 1day after you stopped your ph..but seeing as you still have your strength the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on its own might have restored your natty test by itself, it's definitely wise to still run the nolva to be sure.

I'm interested in what ph you took, cycle length, and dosage? How much strength did you increase on cycle and how much muscle did you gain?

Oh ya and to answer your main question- If you were to lose strength it would happen between the time the androgens are clearing and the time your test is nearly restored to normal. Like I said before phs clear quickly so within the 1st couple weeks after you discontinued the ph is when you would lose strength.
Ran 250 twice a week HCG. That right amount

You ran Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during your cycle? If so there is a good chance you won't lose any strength as your body was in prime position to rekick it's natty test production..when you run your nolva I would do it low (10-20mg/day) for 1-2 weeks and call it a day.
When you say Novadex, that's a typo, right? You didn't run gaspari novadex as your PCT did you? You may not lose strength, necessarily. Keep your food intake high and avoid getting sick (it's really easy to get sick during PCT because your immune system is a bit compromised)!
When you say Novadex, that's a typo, right? You didn't run gaspari novadex as your PCT did you? You may not lose strength, necessarily. Keep your food intake high and avoid getting sick (it's really easy to get sick during PCT because your immune system is a bit compromised)!

Lol good catch. I hope he meant nolva
Strength and muscle is most likely gonna have a short decrease outside of the cycle especially in pct. smart training and cutting back volume is probably necessary to help steer off any catabolism. It could also be mental, or joint over use issues. Which I find to be my down falls during pct lol. Good luck man