Study shows that Trenbolone Enanthate leads to prostate cancer


New member
Hi guys,

I've been thinking in adding this compound I got recently to my current or next cycle, and I was a bit surprised about reading some scientific papers stating that it's leading to prostate cancer:

What are your thoughts about using Trenbolone on a low dosage regime (200 per week)?

Edit: sorry in the title I wrote Enanthate rather than Acetate, but I don't think it would change anything
Do more research. Prostate cancer in older men is rampant. With or without testosterone. The last info I've read about it paralleled estrogen to prostate cancer. Also was a comment about your index finger being shorter than your ring finger made you 3x more at risk. Everything leads to cancer..
They banned saccharin as a sweetner in the 80 s as it caused cancer in mice; never mind the dose equaled 84 cases of diet drinks per day per human.

These threads cause me rashes....

Rx company alarmist propaganda..
I know a guy that got sick just a few months ago. The doc in the ER asked him what drugs he was taking so he admitted to AAS. The doctor told him that's it man, you just might have pancreatic cancer directly cause by the steroids.

After many doctor visits and tests and MRI etc.. He had a pancreatic infection. Not good but WTF was the first doc doing ?
The things that cause cancer change more than the flavor of the week at the local ice cream joint.

At one moment in time somethings terrible for people and the next it's a cure all.

I'm no doctor but
When it comes to aas I'm sure there's a study linked to cancer somewhere. if you look hard enough I'm sure there's plenty of studies that prove way more things we all do during the day are more prone to giving us cancer than aas.

I'm sure if a person works in the sun every day or works in a bar that people smoke at they will get some form of cancer before someone who uses aas.
If you try to avoid everything that supposedly causes're basically limited to air. O wait....the air is toxic too and causes cancer.
If you try to avoid everything that supposedly causes're basically limited to air. O wait....the air is toxic too and causes cancer.
So you can use Trenbolone because everything can cause cancer, right? That's your SELF-DECEPTION.
AAS do cause internal organ s to be potentially stressed to varying degrees but the lion s share of these auto correct with cessation.

But there s use and abuse and GROSS negligence.

FT u need to chill..both u and Rambo need to learn more about AAS and interacting w vet members.
It's a fucking in vitro (outside of the body) study published in a journal for EXPERIMENTAL biology...
Unless you plan on pulling your prostate out and injecting tren directly into the cells this sort of data has no relevance to you :)
So you can use Trenbolone because everything can cause cancer, right? That's your SELF-DECEPTION.

when did he say to use tren?

And what people are saying there is alot of things that cause cancer. And if your going to go through life not doing things because you're scared of cancer then you won't be able to do much because almost everything has some kind of study somewhere saying it causes cancer.

Is that simple enough for you to understand? Or am I to deceiving for you?

And by the way nice name you go by.
It's a fucking in vitro (outside of the body) study published in a journal for EXPERIMENTAL biology...
Unless you plan on pulling your prostate out and injecting tren directly into the cells this sort of data has no relevance to you :)

Lol, beat me to it!

FYI guys, the mayo clinic has already found the link to prostate cancer; it's ESTRADIOL. Big surprise though (not really) that directly putting an anabolic agent into an isolated tissue causes growth...

Oh those wacky scientists! :wiggle:
They banned saccharin as a sweetner in the 80 s as it caused cancer in mice; never mind the dose equaled 84 cases of diet drinks per day per human.

These threads cause me rashes....

Rx company alarmist propaganda..

A recent study was done to find the ratio of cancer in rats to cancer in humans (to find out just HOW bad it saccharine is for you) and they discovered that the active processes in a rat's stomach that causes cancer when saccharine is present do not even EXIST in humans. Saccharine CANNOT cause cancer in humans. They removed the warning label from the product.

This makes me happy because I am one of the odd ones who actually likes the taste of saccharine.
I stand corrected thank u. I just remember back in 82 ???? was the latest est. propaganda alarmist psy op thrown out THAT year..