I have used Deca in every single cycle, even my first one, perhaps my favorite AS.
This is a tough one, recovery is slow and hard on it for most. Its perhaps the most inhibiting steroid out there. I highly recommend HCG during the cycle. You don't need to worry I have ran it without Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), always recovered fine, but I think you can only benefit from it.
I've said this in other posts as well. I'm a clomid guy. The best post cycle therapy (pct) for me is to kick start clomid with 300mg on day 1, followed by 150 for 3 days, then 100 for about a week and another 2 weeks of 50mg.
This isn't very common, maybe even a bit controversial, but I have made very good experiences with it. It just seems to get blood levels up quicker if you kick start the clomid. But a lot of people don't react well to clomid, so you wanna be careful with that.
Furthermore, I've noticed one thing with deca over the years. I do not get the infamous deca-dick if I use twice as much test as deca. In your case 600mg Test and 300mg Deca. This might be just a coincidence, but you never know. I haven't had the deca dick problem since I've been running it that way.