Suatanon And Deca Durabolin PCT?? need help


Hi all I am going to start Suatanon250 And Deca Durabolin for 12 weeks with the maximum dose of Sustanon 400 and Deca 300. please suggest a post cycle therapy (pct). I am a bit confused here about the dose (mg per day) of the post cycle therapy (pct) drug. Planning to use Nolvadex or Arimidex with Clomid. Please suggest me the mg per day. Jus got to know here in india Arimidex comes in one mg dose per tablet. could you plz throw some light and also lemme know when should i start my post cycle therapy (pct)?

Standard PCT's read this sticky on anabolic forum, it will explain everything on detail. Hope this help. If is clomid/ nolva run it like this
clomid 50/50/50/50
nolva 40/40/20/20
Hcg it may be included do blast at the end for 10 days 500iu ED
this is a basic PCT, but read what I gave you it help you to understand more in detail and why.
Hi all I am going to start Suatanon250 And Deca Durabolin for 12 weeks with the maximum dose of Sustanon 400 and Deca 300. please suggest a post cycle therapy (pct). I am a bit confused here about the dose (mg per day) of the post cycle therapy (pct) drug. Planning to use Nolvadex or Arimidex with Clomid. Please suggest me the mg per day. Jus got to know here in india Arimidex comes in one mg dose per tablet. could you plz throw some light and also lemme know when should i start my post cycle therapy (pct)?


Wait about 2-4 weeks after your last shot of test to start doing post cycle therapy (pct). Stop deca a week or 2 before testosterone because deca lasts a LONG time.

Weeks 1-12 Sustanon 400mg EW
Weeks 1-10/11 Deca 300mg EW
Weeks 1-14 Arimidex .25mg E3D
Weeks 1-14 Cabergoline .25mg E3D

Weeks 14 Clomid 100mg ED
Weeks 15-18 Clomid 50mg ED

You will need to break Arimidex tablet with knife or pillcutter. 1mg dose is Way too high, trust me
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I have used Deca in every single cycle, even my first one, perhaps my favorite AS.
This is a tough one, recovery is slow and hard on it for most. Its perhaps the most inhibiting steroid out there. I highly recommend HCG during the cycle. You don't need to worry I have ran it without Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), always recovered fine, but I think you can only benefit from it.
I've said this in other posts as well. I'm a clomid guy. The best post cycle therapy (pct) for me is to kick start clomid with 300mg on day 1, followed by 150 for 3 days, then 100 for about a week and another 2 weeks of 50mg.
This isn't very common, maybe even a bit controversial, but I have made very good experiences with it. It just seems to get blood levels up quicker if you kick start the clomid. But a lot of people don't react well to clomid, so you wanna be careful with that.

Furthermore, I've noticed one thing with deca over the years. I do not get the infamous deca-dick if I use twice as much test as deca. In your case 600mg Test and 300mg Deca. This might be just a coincidence, but you never know. I haven't had the deca dick problem since I've been running it that way.
thanks for all the response.

However, just wanted to know which one would be the powerful Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to use Nolvadex, Arimidex or letrozole ? for deca n Sustanon PCT?

I am going to use DECA for 8 weeks and SUSTanon for 12 weeks.

after that planning to go for ANAVAR, Cytomel and Clen stack to burn off the fat and get the ripped look putting a pic of mine on the profile plz check it and do let me know its clicked last week after the first dose of DECA n SUStanon.