Suffering from excess chest fat? My success at scientific spot reduction!


New member
Hey guys, ill give you a little bit of background about myself. When i was younger i was a massive kid, maybe 87kg and barely over 5ft tall. During this time i ate plenty of shit food, maccas, KFC, all the hormone estrogen shit. Over the next 4 years i took my health as a priority. Without a lot of knowledge about training and eating i still managed to get myself down to 71KG at 5 ft 11. I was pretty lean but i still stored a little extra fat on my chest compared with anywhere else and i couldnt understand why.

Another year went on and i was frustrated with the minimal gains of muscle i was getting in the gym so as every stupid little kid does they go to the biggest mother fucker in the gym and ask about steroids. Low and behold i got some. So over the next 12 weeks i just ate everything in sight, blew out from 74 to 87kg, no Aromatase inhibitor (AI) no PCT. Over the following months i developed gyno and extremely low testosterone, lost all my gains and kept all the BF.

Some time went past and i had the gyno surgery with liposuction. it took a good month for the swelling to come down and my chest was alot leaner, but over a few more months i noticed that the BF started to creep back onto my chest, without any real gains in weight whatsoever. So i started questioning everything, there must be a reason why this is happening, its not fuckin genetics there is a reason why my body descides to store body fat here.

A guy i have known for a while is the trainer of Ms Natural Olympia. He is a Charles Poliquin Biosignature practitioner. Biosignature is where the person takes measurements with calipers in 13 spots on your body, which in charles poliquins theory all relate to certain imbalances in your body.

After the test, my chest reading was pretty high, and he said you need to detox all this estrogen shit out of you, and i guarentee you, your chest will become alot leaner over the next 12 weeks.

The supplements i take on a daily basis are:
2 Zinc, three times per day
2 DIM, three times per day
2 Calcium D-Glucarate, three times per day
2 Estro Clear for men per day
6 Green tea excellence per day
1 Rhubarb Px at night
2 Antioxident tabs, twice daily
15g fiber per day.

Now this is alot and this is my personal protocol, everyone may differ depending on your own circumstances.

My diet only consists of:
Beef Steak
sweet potato
multigrain bread

Hormonal Meats: everything you eat must be organic. Once going to the supermarket i saw a chicken breast that was fuckin bigger than my head. that really set off alarm bells. that mother fucker had more gear than anyone on OLOGY. So organic shit only, dont put estrogens into your body when your detoxing them.

Alcohol: Very estrogenic and counter productive to optimal body composition and testosterone levels

PLASTIC!!: Dont ever, and i mean ever buy bottled water. The plastic has had BPA added to it, its essentially a man made xenoestrogen which really does fuck your system up. Please google it and have a read.
Also do not put your prepared meals into plastic containers and heat them up, find an alternative. Find things to eat and drink out of that specifically mention NO ADDED BPA.

Now i will say i have only been following this protocol for 3 weeks, i am leaner, but i will say my chest area has VASTLY decreased iin compared to the rest of my body and i could not be happier. i cant wait for the final result in another 9 weeks time.
I would highly recommend anyone go and see a charles poliquin biosig practicioner because you will learn alot.

Now that was just a protocol for chest fat, there is a protocol for everything, from back fat, stomach, legs love handles, the lot.
So i highly suggest you give them a look, because the future is looking brighter and the rig is looking better..

I hope this has been of some help to anyone out there and im happy to help in whatever way i can.

Glad you got your issue under control and have learned a valuable lesson!

What ever they put in the bottled water doesn't effect me. I've been drinking bottled water for countless years and no issues.
Good post.

Its funny you mention bottled water. I just don't drink it cause I can put my own water in my own vial. Its silly to me we live in an advanced country with great water and we buy it from gas stations.

So I guess your extremely sensitive to estro. Sorry to hear that but glad you figured out how to get it under control. Everyone's body is different but its mind over matter and you proved that once again Mdella, nice work!
heres some food for thought for ya ha,

the organic food producers are as unregulated as the research chemical companies and supplement industry. so make sure you trust the company that stamps "ORGANIC" on their food.
I've suffered from excess chest fat all my life. I was a VERY VERY fat baby and a very skinny kid thereafter. Even when I was pencil thin I still had chest fat. I still have more than I would like after years of training. Starting to realize it may be from excess estrogen.

What is the DIM you speak of?
All the meat i buy i know is organic, comes from very reputable places and its over double the price of regular meats so im not concerned in the slightest.

unfortunately i am sensitive to estro and thats obviously becuase i programmed my body that way from an early age but its slowly becoming under control.

Calcium D-Glucarate

These are both found in many research articles to be powerful anti estrogens in the terms of being able to rid the body of estrogenic sides. combining these with Fibre helps the body eliminate them from the body.
For more detailed information google charles poliquin estrogen protocol, or google the individual supplements names. comes up with alot of good information.

if you want a really good read, look up a book called "the truth about supplements" by mark ottobre. great read i highly recommend it.

But as i said earlier, if you have any place in your body that had hard BF to shift, go see a biosig practitioner and i guarentee they will be able to shift it with a few modifications to your current regime
I've suffered from excess chest fat all my life. I was a VERY VERY fat baby and a very skinny kid thereafter. Even when I was pencil thin I still had chest fat. I still have more than I would like after years of training. Starting to realize it may be from excess estrogen.

What is the DIM you speak of?

I was in the exact same boat as your bud, go on the poliquin sight and find the closest biosig practitioner to you and get them to do a diet and supplement protocol for you. if you stick to it 100% i will guarentee you will see some great resutls. they dont happen over night, be patient and the results will come
Good post.

Its funny you mention bottled water. I just don't drink it cause I can put my own water in my own vial. Its silly to me we live in an advanced country with great water and we buy it from gas stations.

THAT IS SO TRUE ITS EMBARRASSING. I drink from the tap and cant tell the difference, like test, water is water!
yeah its crazy, costs them about 4 cents to produce and selling it for a few dollars in stores. rediculious
Just wanted to give an update to all the guys out there that were curious about this. Its been about another two weeks and the Body Fat has been falling off both chest and legs. could not be happier. also i have noticed a notable increase in Testosterone (morning wood) etc. would highly suggest this supplement protocol to anyone out there with similar problems
Glad you got your issue under control and have learned a valuable lesson!

What ever they put in the bottled water doesn't effect me. I've been drinking bottled water for countless years and no issues.

Ditto. No chest fat problems here and I drink bottled water and coconut water all the time.