suggestions on adjusting routine


New member
my current routine is...

Mon- Chest
Tues- Legs
Wed- Back
Thur- Delts/Traps
Fri- Off
Sat- Bis & Tris
Sun- Off

I want to jack up my bis and tris on this current cycle, do you guys recommend me adding tris or bis with chest and bis or tris with back, similar to the push/pull routine.... Ive been doing the routine above for almost 10 weeks and want to change things up and i really want to focus on my arms for the next 8-10 weeks... what you guys think, thanks ahead bros
I do bis and tris on seperate days. One day a week each. Heavy in the 5X5 range or the 6 rep range for bi's and tris i do skull crushers and overhead extension the same.

Add bis on with your back day because you use your bis a lot when you work your back.

Add tris on with your chest day for the same reason.
You will really feel them getting tired and hard after doing multiple exercises.
Also finish your back/chest exercises before you start into bis/tris.
If you're doing deadlifts on back day and squats on leg day you probably shouldn't be doing them on back to back days. I do back on Monday and Legs on Friday. Works well for me.
1. Back, traps, biceps
2. Chest, triceps, shoulders
3. Legs, (abs)

You can split these up however you want in the week. Biceps don't need that many sets, neither do traps (if you do it right)

3 days a week and 1hr/day at the gym, depending on how much time you take in breaks. Works for me, especially that it cost more to drive to the gym than the membership itself.
i am old fashioned my programme is
chest| bicep day 1
back| tricep day 2
leg |shoulder day 3