Summer Bulk Cycle


New member
My stats:

Cycle history: 2 previous cycles, one bulk, one cut
Weight: 245
Height: 6' 3"
BF%: 20-23%(i know its kind of high)
Goals: To drop bodyfat while at the same time gaining muscle and strength.
Routine: 3 days of hard power lifting, 3 days of heavy cardio(for football)

Chemicals I am considering using: test400, eq, Winstrol (winny), anavar, dbol, i have tren and prop also but i dont want to use them right now, saving them for a cutting cycle because i respond well to them while cutting

I also want to include some clen or eca during the cycle, along with letro for gyno and bloat. For post cycle therapy (pct) im going to be using clen or eca, clomid, pgh(for overall good feeling), and letro just in case there is any possibility of any gyno coming up(i am prone to gyno because I have natural gyno, small but nonetheless there)

My main goal is strength while cutting bodyfat. Size isn't a concern yet, I wouldn't be angry if I got some size. Strength and bodyfat are of primary concern if that makes a difference.

This is what I have down so far:

Weeks 1-10 400 mg TEST400
Weeks 1-10 400mg EQ
Weeks 1-10 1.25mg LETRO/EOD
Weeks 6-10 30mg DBOL/ED

I want to add in either the Winstrol (winny) or anavar, except I've never used either chemical and am not sure how to incorporate it withing my cycle. Hopefully I can start this cycle by June 13th.
Dlove said:
yeah that letro seems to crush my sex drive. I also don't go up in weight as much when pullin and pressin

remember you still want a little estro floating around :D
You want to add muscle... and lose fat at the same time!!!!

Very hard, but it can be done.

For starters... your diet is going to have to be flawless... I'm not sure what kind of diet section this board has, but check out some good diet stickys. If this board doesnt have any good ones, let me know and I'll lead you in the right direction.

As for your gear... Here is something I would run, and maybe something you might want to consider.

I'm a big fan of frontloading.

Week 1 - 1000mg of Test E, 800mg of EQ
Weeks 2-12 Test E 500mg
Weeks 2-11 EQ 400mg
Weeks 6-12 Anavar 40mg daily
Weeks 12-14 Prop 75mg Daily
Weeks 12-14 Anavar 60mg daily

Start post cycle therapy (pct) 2 days after your last prop shot.
Just to help explain myself...

I like to run Prop for the 2 weeks awaiting PCT... this way you're not exactly wasting 2 weeks. For that 2 weeks you're still going to have a little bit of the other gear flowing, but you hormone levels will be rapidly falling. Those 2 weeks are where a lot of people start to get lazy.

The prop for the remaining 2 weeks keeps you on track and focused. Plus its 2 extra weeks of juicing till you start recovery.

The prop will be fully out of your system within 48 hours, so it wont effect your recovery time.
EastCoaster said:
Week 1 - 1000mg of Test E, 800mg of EQ
Weeks 2-12 Test E 500mg
Weeks 2-11 EQ 400mg
Weeks 6-12 Anavar 40mg daily
Weeks 12-14 Prop 75mg Daily
Weeks 12-14 Anavar 60mg daily

Start post cycle therapy (pct) 2 days after your last prop shot.

IMO this could be tweeked a bit, but its really the users preference...

No need to front load Test E if you have prop, just use prop at 75-100mg EOD for first 2 weeks...i have no experience with the EQ, but i hear it is also beneficial to front load it like stated above... If you have the Anavar (var), then by all means use it, but if you dont all ready have it in your possesion, dont waste your time with it...its a "safe" steroid but not to dramatic in results...
Here's my fixed up cycle except I really need to know how some other people would add in the anavar because I want to get a good lean mass bulk in and Im thinking the anavar would be good for it because strength is basically what Im looking for the most.

WEEKS 1-10

400mg/week TEST 400

400mg/week EQ

Letro @ 1.25mg/E3D

WEEKS 1-13


WEEKS 9-13

30mg/ed DBOL

WEEKS 1,2,5,6,9,10

Clen @ .5cc/DAY

post cycle therapy (pct)

Letro @ 1.25mg/E3D
Clen @ .5cc/DAY

Thats it for now, thanks for all the input, just gotta figure out now how throw in the anavar. I added the prop so I can do my post cycle therapy (pct) after 3 days and not have to wait 3 weeks to start it.
Anyone with a suggestion for the anavar? I have everything I need for this cycle except dbol and clomid. Will get them in the middle of cycle because I need to save up some money. Have some old clomid just in case something happens and I forget.
why not run the dbol at the beginging of your cycle while your waiting for your long esters to kick in
EastCoaster said:
You want to add muscle... and lose fat at the same time!!!!

Very hard, but it can be done.

For starters... your diet is going to have to be flawless... I'm not sure what kind of diet section this board has, but check out some good diet stickys. If this board doesnt have any good ones, let me know and I'll lead you in the right direction.

As for your gear... Here is something I would run, and maybe something you might want to consider.

I'm a big fan of frontloading.

Week 1 - 1000mg of Test E, 800mg of EQ
Weeks 2-12 Test E 500mg
Weeks 2-11 EQ 400mg
Weeks 6-12 Anavar 40mg daily
Weeks 12-14 Prop 75mg Daily
Weeks 12-14 Anavar 60mg daily

Start post cycle therapy (pct) 2 days after your last prop shot.

You put some thought into that prop on the last 2 weeks before post cycle therapy (pct). thats pretty smart.