weight: 190
goal: 6% bodyfat, get down to 180.
diet: 2000 cals, 250 pro, 200 carbs
workout: doing the dorian yates blood and guts program
cardio:15 -30 min hiit cardio
weeks 1-16:
test e - 500 mg
eq - 600 mg
weeks 4-12
anavar - 60 mg
weeks 3-8
t3 - work up to 100mcg by week 4.5
cleb 2 wks on/ 2 wks off
Good to go?
weight: 190
goal: 6% bodyfat, get down to 180.
diet: 2000 cals, 250 pro, 200 carbs
workout: doing the dorian yates blood and guts program
cardio:15 -30 min hiit cardio
weeks 1-16:
test e - 500 mg
eq - 600 mg
weeks 4-12
anavar - 60 mg
weeks 3-8
t3 - work up to 100mcg by week 4.5
cleb 2 wks on/ 2 wks off
Good to go?