Summer cutter contest?


New member
Would anyone be interested in doin a contest for say 20 weeks or so on most improved or something like that?...Maybe it will help some people get motivated to stick to their diets and get everyone ready for spring. Would be interested to see if anyone would care to participate....Any mods with input on this???
I would say traing and diet are what ever your regimen is...Lets see if we get a decent responce for it....Not sure how much traffic comes through here though...Really no limits on can be natural or using gear or whatever....I just would like some driving force here to keep my ass dieting hard!
You have been reading the minds of my fellow lifters at the gym.
This winter we have had a winter bulking contest and we have two months to go, then we get competitive about cutting.

Presently, I am winning the bulking contest, which will make it difficult to win the cutting contest. We have $1000 riding on the bulking contest.
Good luck bro on the bulker....Thats some serious mony there....hell I was thinking maybe we could get a mod to post the winner on the top benner by Needsize
Good luck bro
hey, i'm totally down for that. my cutting cycle i did not too long ago wasn't as good as i wanted. i've been working out hard and now i'm looking forward to going to mexico and coming back with loads of clen and what not. let's do this for sure! maybe i'll get to 6% bf, or better! i always get motivation when i'm competing.
I definitely would like to this. We need to have a cut off date to get started on it and hopefully a few more people to getin on it.....I know there has to be more than this getting ready to cut for spring!!
Count me in. But I have already been dieting for 2 months/ 2 days and lost 31 pounds. I still have a ways to go till I am where I want to be ... maybe 15-20 more pounds.
I am still bulking through May--I might be too late to join in on the fun. Then I plan on cutting and staying as cut as possible through October, then it will be time to bulk up again.
How would it work? Would it be most improved, or just overall leanness after the cutting is over with.

Guys that are naturally lean like me wouldn't stand a chance if it is overall weight/appearance before and after!
Any follow up on this? This sounded like such a good idea then it died. I basically won the contest at my gym--the owner said unless the other guys gain over 15lbs by the end of next week I get the $1000.