Super DMZ Rx 2.0 4 week cycle


New member
Sup brothers, Ive never posted a log on this site, So i decided to to post my first one today. Its nothing special, just running Super DMZ rx 2.0 2 pills a day for 4 weeks. Just a little backround, Im 30 yrs old 5'8 190lbs and I have been lifting for about 10 months. I took a long 1 year break cause I got comfortable when I got with my ex hooker (dont do it, biggest mistake us brothers make) but I left that bitch so I decided to get back in the game. Ive done a couple pro hormone cycles already, let me tell you what ive ran, I ran the original SD back in the days, I also ran dark cyde reign which for some reason didnt do much, and I did an 8 week test sustanon cycle 3 yrs ago. With the DMZ, Im using milk thistle for liver support along with cranberry extract for the kidneys and a prostate formula. For pct Im running clomid and nolva. I had a question, I have a bottle of LGI SD-10 left from back in the day, would it be smart to run dmz for 4 weeks and then SD for another 4 weeks? or is that gonna be way to harsh on the liver? my guess is yes, but im posting to see what others with more experience think. Or has anyone stacked these 2? if so, how many mg's of each? Also, would running DMZ for 8 weeks still be to harsh on the liver? I will post pics and keep you guys updated. Today was day 2, I did chest and I felt good pumps and endurance. my starting bench is 245 for 1 rep. Tomorrow is leg day, I will let you guys know how it goes.