super test 250 - wheres the pain?


New member
Ive been shooting tornels super test for about 1 month now. (before you all start telling me what shit it is, obviously i bought it due to the price, and i just up the dose to compensate for the underdosed test. - hey, any excuse to take more gear right)? anyway im shooting 1500mg a week , three shots - 2 cc's each. from what ive heard/read its "supposed" to be 20% underdosed - i read it in muscular development.
my question is regarding, why dont i get much injection soreness around the spot where i shoot (delt)? i mean, todays is a bit sore, but nothing like when i shot the omnadrens.
also, regarding it being underdosed, in muscular development it mentioned that the guy tested some tornel products - but not the super test. his findings were that what he tested from tornel was approx 20% underdosed. any "actual" word on the super test?
does anyone know of a lab report done on super test?
you guys have helped me out huge in the past. hope you can rise to the occasion agian.
one thing I forgot to add, has super test been faked to the best of your knowledge? (with it being so cheap)
or is it safe to say all juice has been faked to a degree.
if it has, what should one look for on the box, lable??
Your probably comparing the supertest to the Omnas and that just aint gonna make you happy. You shouldnt ascociate pain with good gear, get that out of your head. I know people who have run supertest trying to save a buck and afterward wished they had spent the extra buck for something more reliable. If it works it works but I would have stayed with the Omnas....