super tren never heard of it any info from vets

I'm on trt with my doctor but this guy at the gym says he got a bottle of super tren, I did a bit of research on the internet but there's not much I could find, so I wanted to ask you guys if you ever heard of such thing, he offerd it to me at a high price , but I refused it i told him I'm done with cycles and specially tren I'm happy with my test watson 100mg a week I told him, anyone ever heard of this?
I found a few thing regarding super, however it all looks like a tri mix. A couple of companies provide it. I even found a thread on here from 2009 asking about super tren and a few other comments. Didn't want to post any pics, wasn't really sure if it would be to much info on the provider!
I just called headquarters, they said no such thing....
That would be cool but i havent heard of such a thing. .. only super tren to me would be a higher concentration of ace per ml