Superdrol and Lipid Profile


New member
I was reviewing a couple of Superdrol profile pages and I see that multiple people have stated things like "SD will not work if your lipid profile is all haywire." and "Supdrol will not work if your lipid profile is out of whack." Those are the exact quotes. It sounds like a whole bunch of BS nonsense to me, but does anyone have any evidence to support/deny this claim?
I don't see why it wouldn't work, but If your lipids are already shit before the SD I can't imagine what they would be like after the SD.
SD is a steroid, I dont think their is anything that will stop it from working... unless of course its bunk
I figured as much. Just wasn't sure if superdrol was somehow different than other steroids. If I'd seen the "SD will not work if your lipid profile is all haywire" comment only once then I'd of thought it was someone's broscience, but since I'd seen it stated multiple times I figured there might be some truth behind it.
My cholesterol numbers were out of wack and my triglycerides were through the roof when I was taking superdrol. Shit worked great for me. My bench went throuh the roof as did all my lifts. I was also on a statin called crestor when I took it. Before I started taking it my HDL numbers were in the normal range but my LDL was bad. After my one month cycle of superdrol, one month pct and still taking the crestor I had blood work again. Numbers were all in the normal range but my HDL was now slightly lower at a 28. Not good but not horrible either.
sd works. its very cheap but ppl are so greedy you will even find fake shit. it is prolly one of the worst orals there is for your body
sd works. its very cheap but ppl are so greedy you will even find fake shit. it is prolly one of the worst orals there is for your body

Have you ever run into fake/underdosed superdrol? I was under the impression that since it's legal and so easy to make that it would be pointless to make fake superdrol.