supplements for lowering cholesterol


New member
If you are cycling (or just plain cruising at a low dose of aas)then i take it your cholesterol level will be screwed?

Does anyone know any strong supplements that can balance the lipid levels and maintain healthy cholesterol

Or would i be better off seeing doc for propper meds(not that im cruisin just looking to do some long courses all through summer)

I take omega 3's (fish oil)

sometimes taurine and magnesium

can you manipulate or cancel the effects of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) with diet(eg not eating saturated fats,using low cholesterol oils,eating wholegrains,avoiding eggs ,cheese,milk etc
Red yeast rice, garlic, Fish or Flax with lignans, cayenne, goldenseal (dont take for more then a week at a time) hawthorn berry, spirulina.
RYR is good if it has been standardized for lovastatin (unfortunately advertising that it has is illegal-- its a FDA/drug company bullshit ruling) so its pretty much a crap shoot
the issue with RYR is that it cannot be labeled as standardized for lovostatin, as this makes it a drug (its a bunch of pharma/fda bullshit) but thats the way it is :(