Suppliment questions - instead of roids.


New member
I just made it onto a mixed martial arts fight team and am eager to really hit the gym and begin working out. I'm 7ft tall, 304 lbs. Think of a fairly athletic guy, but taller. Not freakish looking or fat.

The problem is, I havent worked out in years, haven't trained in years and I need to start busting my ass.

I want to cut up while gaining a little mass, mostly in the arms and chest.

My focus is strength and agility.

A buddy of mine is on the juice and I have to say, it's done wonder for his appearance, but I'm just not into roids. I dont know much of anything about it and I dont think its a smart move to start juicing right off the bat anyway. Overall, I want to do this the right way without roids.

So, my long winded question is, what suppliments should I be looking into to help me accomplish these goals?

I'm looking for a grocery list of things I need to go pick up and begin with as well as any tips you may have on their use.

Id appreciate any advice that can be offered.


I would pick up the basics:

Multivitamin - Costco
Fish Oil or Flax Oil - Costco
Creatine Ethyl Ester - TrueProtein
Whey Protein - TrueProtein

With the amount of aerobic activity you are going to get with the MMA if you keep your diet clean, the fat will come off. Supplement are not going to do much for fat loss, it all comes down to DIET and EXERCISE.

If you are going to beating down your body, make sure you have a good protein powder to help with recovery (repair). Pick up a Whey Isolate. They cost a bit more, but well worth the price.