Surgery and TRT with AI - tell the doc?


New member
I have a minor surgery scheduled. Any worries about being on TRT with an AI and having and going under the knife?
TRT is considered a hormone, even the body sees it as a hormone and not medicine. That's why there's no side effects when one is within his biological range. The AI is a different matter though, so not sure on that one.
If you are prescribed TRT, what is the harm in disclosing it? Then they can check for any adverse drug interactions. There shouldn't be any, but unless you know what drugs they are using during and after the surgery it is hard for you to check in advance if your AI has any.
TRT is no medicine in it's sense. It is a supplement because your body has lost the ability to build Testosterone for itself and TRT will only give you back the normal natural state. It's positive, if you use it also if you have to undergo a surgery and will help your body to recover faster.
But, It's never a failure to inform your doc about your state. There is no reason to conceal it!
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I had a Hip Replacement when I was on 200 mg of Test a Week.

But I wasn't using an AI, if I was, I would have made the Anesthesiologist aware of it.
That's the Guy you really need to tell, as He's in Control of what will be used for the Surgery.

Arimidex and Aromasin both have many Drug Interactions ~ Too many to list.
But some Narcotics and Tylenol are among them............................... JP
Don't hide it from the doc. If something goes wrong, they will try their best to cover their ass and blame you. Imagine if they found you were taking this controlled substance....this hormone that is so controversial and you failed to disclose it?
Thanks all for the input. hip surgery went well. The doc wanted to know “daily” medications. I hadn’t taken Adex in 5 days but disclosed anyhow. Was no big deal as there were no drug interactions with adex. My trt is dr prescribed