Sus 250 gyno help!!! Lumps are very large in size two side by side grapes


New member
5'7 193lbs 27 years old.

Started using gear about 6 years ago give or take. Developed small lumps about 4 years ago from supertest 450 (5 types of test in one) never been a problem would swell up from time to time and has always been sore to the highly aggressive type pokes and prods. Then started cycle of sus 250 twice a week (500 mg per week) Sunday and Wednesday. And tren ace 150 eod. At the beginning of week three gyno lumps swelled up substantially and wasn't running anti e at time cause I always save it from use until needed. Lumps got so swollen I immediately started gp letro 2.5 everyday I'm on day three of the letro and also just took week 3 Wednesday shot. The letro hasn't kicked in yet sex drive is still killing me in a good way and no joint pains yet to signal letro is kicking in although it would be nice to have it kick in without the joint pains. How long would u say it is going to take the letro to stop the swelling. If it hasn't at least stopped the lumps from continuing to swell by Sunday I believe I should discontinue the cycle. Not sure if the sus or tren was over dosed or what because my lumps have never swelled this big. I have a apt to set up surgery after a phone call to my health insurance hopefully the doctor won't associate the lumps to gear so that I'm able to be covered. I'm okay with the original size of my lumps before this cycle I just hope I can get this under control to where that is possible. Can anyone shed light on this for me. This is becoming very painful tbh.
I have had a chance to get any yet I just set up a dr apt to have to lump looked at... I wish I had some blood work done right now. When I lived in Los Angeles a lot more doctors who specialize in this, here in Alabama not as many and many get weird if they suspect gear is being used.
You do know you should have addressed this problem 4 years ago. Use nolvadex with any future cycles, that will be your best protection. Use an AI also and dial it in with blood work.
I have had a chance to get any yet I just set up a dr apt to have to lump looked at... I wish I had some blood work done right now. When I lived in Los Angeles a lot more doctors who specialize in this, here in Alabama not as many and many get weird if they suspect gear is being used.

Read the FAQ sticky, you'll find out how to bypass weird doctors by getting your own bloodwork. Letro is a shitty way to reduce gynecomastia by the way; use raloxifene - doses are also in the sticky.

FYI: AI use isn't for "when sides pop up" or "as needed", it's for the PREVENTION of sides - as you can't see the scary ones like prostate cancer. ;)

My .02c :)
I have some AI on the way from overseas it's just hella late tho which is why I'm having to depend on the letro to do the trick. I mean on average how long does letro take to begin to reduce swelling. I know some say it's the gyno reversal method but that's not what I'm trying to get out of it I simply want it to get my swelling down to get the lump back to its original aize before this cycle and the pain to subside. I should have the surgery done to have it cut out in a few months depends on when this doctor puts me on the table supposed to be meeting with him next week.
The best way to do what u are trying to accomplish is with raloxifene, not letrozole, as halfwit said in the post above Prob take about 8 weeks. You can get your ai or raloxifene from rui, the site sponsor, and have it in a matter of days man. Take ralox 60mg/day week 1, 30mg/day every week thereafter.
The best way to do what u are trying to accomplish is with raloxifene, not letrozole, as halfwit said in the post above Prob take about 8 weeks. You can get your ai or raloxifene from rui, the site sponsor, and have it in a matter of days man. Take ralox 60mg/day week 1, 30mg/day every week thereafter.

Is it shipped from within the United States? Hit me up with a link bro I can't find it and I know how some sites are you search for a pharmacy online and you find three sites claiming to be the same pharmacy and two of em end up being bunk lol well in some cases that is.

Also, set up apt with doctor to get gyno removed. Insurance said they should cover it. My question is does anyone know exactly the proper way to word my symptoms and problems to allow the doctor to write it up to my insurance company to convince them to cover it. My policy does cover the type of surgery 80% with a 800 dollar co-pay which is no problem for me regarding the situation. And has anyone had this procedure done before? Is cycle use dangerous after or should I set the surgery date back so I have time to get in one more cycle before I have to give it up?