Sus 250 vrs Test cyp


New member
Ok been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for 3 years with only the last year being put on 200mg cyp vrs the gel. I saw a major difference in feeling and finally started to lose some weight. I read up on sus 250 and went with it last week first run. So far I feel more aggressive then on just cyp. However I haven't been on it for long, and want to see what it brings down the road vrs cyp. Has anyone else use this over just one form of test and liked it better?
I'm running Sust atm and like it. My friend who has a few cycles under his belt prefers sust over regular test. He uses it for his test base in all his cycles but for my next cycle I'm going to just run test e so I can pin it just once a week instead of twice like the sust. Especially cause all the regs and vets here say that test e is the way to go for noobs if I were you I would read up and follow their advice.
Sustanon was initially developed as a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) medicine which was meant to go up to 30 days between injection times! That basically failed! what we were left with is a very interesting stack of testosterone that kicks in and expires at different times!

At the end of the day test is test! to use sustanon to it's full potential one should divide the weekly dosage into 3 injections and those who do a PCT and recovery will need to wait 3 weeks post sustanon injections to start PCT.

All in all I like sustanon but to say it is better than cypionate is sort of like saying I prefer my steak on the grill instead of pan fried, it is still just a steak ;)
Cyp will take a little longer to see results due the blend of Sus and for me personally Cyp seems to saturate receptor sites faster. If I had a choice, in general terms, I would go with Sus but it depends on your cycle.
I was looking @ sust250 for my next cycle originally and have been re-evaluating that over the last week or so... have done cyp in the past and considering doing that again or test-e. Poking around for ideas on others but feeling like a good ol round of test to bring it back home.
Thanks guys, and yeah I am already hooked. I was doing two pins once very 5 days. I have felt much better then the test c only pins. Im thinking of adding some anavar, since I'm trying to cut. Winni sounds good but no so on the joints lol .
Sust, is awesome and the gain and growth is pretty impressive ! Once, you pin it down to your bodies liking, you'll be hook !
I'm wondering, does the fact that you have to wait 3 weeks to start post cycle therapy (pct) make sust less idealism terms of making a full recovery from compared to the shorter estered tests?