Sus to Test E First Cycle questions


New member

Been browsing a lot of forums for a while looking for answers that would relate to my situation and just looking for different views.
Age: 22
Height: 6"1
Weight currently: 220

Been training naturally for a good six years now, and i train with mates who gear hard and dont take post cycle therapy (pct) so i dont like taking anything they say seriously. Feel comfortable about reaching my genetic peak coming from around 132lb since i first started, and have plateued for around a year now.

About 7 weeks ago started on sus250 (all i could get) 2ml a week. Started at 207lb. Finished my vial on my 5th week and was informed all i could get was Test E. Did a little research and the general view i got was it was alright to switch mid cycle. In 7th week now and have done 500mg a week twice of test e. I have around one and a half 10 ml vials left. My question relates to my two options.

1. Stay at 500mg and go up to a total of 15 weeks
2. Bump it to 750mg and finish at 12 weeks.
The question relates to 15 weeks being too long for a first cycle or 750mg being too much for a first cycle (considering i switched from sustanon).

Strength gains from the sus have kicked in since week 6 (One rep max bench up from 286lb to 352lb, shoulder dumbell press from 88lb to 110lb a hand)

Nolva and clomid on hand etc. No side effects as of yet.


Much appreciated
I would stay at 500mg bro. Its not the best idea to titrate dosages during a cycle. Good idea not to listen to your mates...pct is important unless your on trt
so 15 weeks total is fine for a first cycle? or just better than upping dosage

alot of guys will tell you to stick to 12 weeks but the honest truth is yes 15 weeks is fine. Its test and test is a fairly weak compound by which I mean recovery from is alot easier then some other compounds. No matter if you ran it 12, 15, or 22 weeks there is always a chance you may not recover anyways...just keep your estro in check, dont change dosages, diet, and train and you will be happy.

Another thing about longer cycles, its easier to keep your gains as your body gets more time to adapt to the weight.
dont up the dosage. do it next time or stat at 500mg a week. its working isnt it? you dont want to have 3grams to make you happy after a 3 or 4 cycles.
dont up the dosage. do it next time or stat at 500mg a week. its working isnt it? you dont want to have 3grams to make you happy after a 3 or 4 cycles.

right. 500 vs 750 isnt gonna make that much of a difference in gains anyway
ok cheers i needed educated info..all i get from juicehead mates is more is better, just do more etc. had to make my own decision from info of these forums to start on test, when people were tryna give me a blend called MX-197 to start my first cycle if anyones ever heard of it? (10ml vial, mix of deca test and tren). my areas full of retards.
ok cheers i needed educated info..all i get from juicehead mates is more is better, just do more etc. had to make my own decision from info of these forums to start on test, when people were tryna give me a blend called MX-197 to start my first cycle if anyones ever heard of it? (10ml vial, mix of deca test and tren). my areas full of retards.

that is a terrible mix. I would just throw that shit away. Deca and tren together can wreak havoc with prolactin issues and im sure it isnt dosed properly.

Also your diet will depict your gains...not how much gear you do
cheers. tryna keep some leanness about me without blowing up too much so eating well and in high quantity. will nolva be enough for post cycle therapy (pct) for me? My sources are pretty limited for where im at..don't have any hcg either.
Can't you order from a research company to make sure you have some clomid, nolva, and an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand?

Pretty sure I have seen another guy from Australia that was able to order from the research sites successfully.
like mentioned above... keep it at 500mg's for 15 weeks. Keep training hard and smart, stay away from the "one rep max BS", that's for powerlifters and it sounds like u are more concerned with how u look like most of us on here. Eat big, and be sure to be getting enough quality rest... your cycle will work out well bro