Sus/Var/Tren Cycle help required


New member
Howzit boets,

I'm 29, been training for 6 years. 5'11 tall with current body weight at 180 lbs and body fat of 14%.

I have only run 2 cycles in my life at a gap of 4 months. Last one being approximately 2 years back of:

Test-e 500 mg w1-12
Tren-e 250 mg w1-8
Arimidex 0.5 mg eod

PCT: Nolva + Clomid

Now before you mention it, I later on realized that I shouldn't have run Tren by any means on my second cycle. My first cycle was Test-E only. However, I must admit I fell victim to some ill advise and was way too young to run a cycle. Thankfully, my tren was at a very low dosage so I got off unscathed (consider myself lucky on that).

Now I seem to have hit a plateau and considering running the following cycle. Please let me know your thoughts:

Sustanon: 500mg per week 1-12
Anavar: 40 mg per day week 8-12
Arimidex: 0.5 mg EOD

PCT: Nolvadex + Clomid

I have Tren on hand and wanted to know if it will be a good idea to run the same at a similar dosage as last cycle (200mg per week)?

I also have Caber and Letro on hand in case things go south.

My goal is to add some lean muscle while increasing size. Diet and workout are in order. Bloodwork is normal.

Thanks in advance
Looks decent id bump the tren to at least 300 ew and thats pretty low standard. You are pretty thin so you gotta eat alot more to gain that size and eat calorie dense food alot of calories you can get away with not eating clean all the time
define plateau please...

as in youve stopped gaining muscle??

if so, do you mind sharing your diet with us?
Thanks for your responses guys. My history and diet are below:


When I finished my 2nd cycle I was close to 200 lbs but then I started traveling for work and hence lost my flair with the regime and put on a lot of body fat (I was at 200 lbs with 23% bf). However I was able to get back on track about 8 months back and since then my focus has been on dropping bf% which is now down to 14% which I believe is sufficiently low enough to run a cycle? Please correct me if I'm wrong here.

That being said, that is why my weight has dropped down by 20 pounds and I'm now looking forward to start with a clean bulk again. My current weight loss diet was:

Meal 1:
1 protein shake (2 scoops with water)
6 boiled eggs
1 fruit (usually a banana or a pineapple)
1 bowl of oats

Meal 2:
300 gms grilled chicken
1 baked potato

Meal 3:
1 tuna sandwich (brown bread)

Meal 4 (post workout):
1 protein shake (2 scoops with water)
Grilled vegetables (broccoli mostly)

Meal 5 (dinner):
Casein protein shake

Other than this, I included pre-workout and BCAA in my routine and re-feed days.

On this basis, I shed off 20 pounds and dropped 9% body fat.

Always open to advises, suggestions, constructive criticism.