

I was going to run my next cycle with omna...i am thinking about switching to sus...before i hear they are the same...i have old omna avauilable, and it is not the same as sus....i like omna, but i want to cut back on sides i guess...which will i get more out of cycle wise...i will be cycleing it with dbol andd then winny....

The older Omnadren is different..more water retention...
Depending on what your goals are..If you are bulking I’d go with Omnas.
I don't speak from personaly experience, but I doubt that there will be major differences in sides from old omna and sus. Someone said you might experience a little more water gain, but that's different for everybody. Stick with the omnas, cheaper and just as effective.
testosterone propionate, 30 mg; testosterone phenylpropionate, 60 mg; testosterone isohexanoate, 60 mg; and testosterone hexanoate, 100 mg was the old formula now its excatly the same as sus as of 2000
my omnas i get are old ones.....but my price for sus and omna are the same....i want to do a bulk cycle again....i will probably stick with the omnas...i just want to keep some of the bloat off...i dont get it bad, but i dont like the feel of it...

I have done both and even though they are basically the same I have had better results off the Omnas. I would stay with them if I were you!