Sust 250!


Teddy Bear
hey guys, got a buddy running some sust right now.. and since it has prop in it.. is it ideal to shoot every 3 days?? how would you guys do it if you want to shoot 500mgs a week? and how long should u run it for? people say more then 8 weeks??
Yes he should shoot it every 2 maximum 3 days . 500 mg is start dosage . If you will shoot from a multidose vial you can shoot it 0.6 ml every other day. That will give exactly 525 mg per week.
Sus can be one shot a week to 4 shots a week. It doesn't matter if you do it once a week because there is so little prop in it that it doesn't make a difference. With sus you just need to find out what works for you. Since it has most of the concentration of test in the deconate ester it is best to run it at 12 weeks minimum.
Buddy of mine jus came off a 12wk sus cycle 1ml EOD. His diet was correct and he wrks out like a mad man. 12lbs of muscle drew so much attention people started askin if he was on gear.