sust flu possible if I've ran prop with no flu like symptoms?


New member
Seems like most people think that the cause of sust flu is from the short acting esters, they say these symptoms are also possible with test prop itself as well as tren ace etc. I've ran prop with no flu like symptoms and I'm starting some sust this Monday, gonna run dbol at 40mg ed for 4 weeks and the sust at 750mg a week for 12 weeks, if I've had no symptoms with prop as stated above would you say I'm in the clear with sust? Also, anyone think the short ester theory is false?
Test is test. Esters don't make you sick...

Why does sust flu even exist then? I agree, test is test the only thing that differs is the esters. Which sounds plausible as to why people can get those flu symptoms from sust and not from eth. Or cyp.
I've ran sust many times, some pharm grade, some ugl. There was two dif times I've felt flu like symptoms when I started the cycle. Both on the pharm grade. I agree with the above comment. In my opinion I think once we put something in our body that is not really normal or more then what we should have are immune system is tested and if we're trying to fight off a sickness or are more lickely to get sick from a tested or lowered immune system.
Why does sust flu even exist then? I agree, test is test the only thing that differs is the esters. Which sounds plausible as to why people can get those flu symptoms from sust and not from eth. Or cyp.

You missed the point. Your still talking about esters making you sick...
You missed the point. Your still talking about esters making you sick...

Test itself will not make you sick. The esters, solvents or carrier can. There is a lot of nasty gear out there, and counterfeit pharm grade. Who knows what's in it.