Sust injection painful as hell! What's wrong?


New member
I was just wondering if it is normal to have so much pain from an oil based injection like sustanon. I had been doing Winstrol (winny) zambon's every other day alternating sides of of my glutes and it was a little painful. A week ago I started Sustanon (sust) and I injected 1 cc and it was exteremely painful for the next 2 and a half days.

I don't know if I have a low pain tolerance or what but I was kind of scared. It felt worse than doing legs for the first time in three years. If the Winstrol (winny) injection was a 3 on a scale from 1-10, then Sustanon (sust) would have definetly been a 9 or 10. Is this normal or not. A week later, I doubled the dosage and went to the other side and it was just as bad, no worse though.
roidjuice said:
Does sust hurt more than Deca or any other oil base?

The first shot I ever took was Sust... and it felt like someone whacked me in the leg with a sledgehammer the next day... lol

Deca, I have never felt ANY pain off.

Numbnutz11731 said:
So thats what i have to look forward too? How sore ?can u sit ?

The pain is fairly bad. It is not severe but always there. I feels like I sat on a rusty nail or something. The worst is when I have to take a shit. Sleeping on my side where I injected is also fairly painful. I don't sleep too well for the next 2 nights after injection.

On the plus side I noticed significant strenght increases.
Ahh thats not too bad then.could u sit in a chair or shall i bring a pillow???? LMAO. I sit a bit at work and about to do some sust.Thats why I ask. How much did u do?250?
Numbnutz11731 said:
Ahh thats not too bad then.could u sit in a chair or shall i bring a pillow???? LMAO. I sit a bit at work and about to do some sust.Thats why I ask. How much did u do?250?

I sit 9 hours a day and play on the internet (store is very slow in summer). If the chaid is not padded, a pillow might be nice but might look a little wierd. I foulnd that if I put my weight on it and not think about it it only hurts for about 15 seconds and then becomes very dull. It is just the initial pressure that hurts.

I did 250 (1 cc) the first week, 500 (2cc ) 2nd week. Both hurt equally as much. My friend was doing the same thing and said that he couldn't put up with the pain but I think that once you see the results you will have a different outlook.
so how far along are you? post you r cycle.Im undecided on how to do it.getting mixed opinions on the pyramid cycle.Im thinkin 250 x3, 500 x2, 250 x3.//good results?
Numbnutz11731 said:
so how far along are you? post you r cycle.Im undecided on how to do it.getting mixed opinions on the pyramid cycle.Im thinkin 250 x3, 500 x2, 250 x3.//good results?

I an doing:
week 1 - 250mg
week 2 - 500mg
week 3 - 500mg
week 4 - 500mg
week 5 - 250mg
week 6 - 250mg

i am also taking 40mg Winstrol (winny) a day and am on a T3, Clen cycle..
hmm.. 6 weeks of test? Is that your whole cycle... I've read about short cycles... but never really believed much in them... I think realgains posted on that??? If he did... they must have some use... :)
