SUST instead of Test E for 2nd cycle. PLEASE GIVE OPINOINS NOW!


New member
Alright fellas....bout to get my 2nd cycle and I'm gonna go with test at 500mg and EQ at 400mg for atleast 12 weeks and 15 weeks max. Also running Anavar at 50mg ED for weeks 1-4. Arimidex at .25 ED because I experienced slight gyno with my first cycle of Test Cyp running no Aromatase inhibitor (AI). post cycle therapy (pct) with nolva, aromasin, HCG, and Vitamin E. My question is....could I go with Sust at 500mg a week injecting every 3rd day for my test and be safe. Test E is available but I can get Sust for very cheap right now and since supposedly Test is Test and some people say they gain less water off of Sust sounds like a good choice to me since I want to gain as much lean mass as possible with the least amoung of water also. Tell me what you think
if you can get pharma karachi sust i would go with them.
if you're bulking i wouldn't even worry about the anavar/eq at those doses.
I'll be going with Balkan pharm Sust......I definitely want to run the EQ, I'm wantin to put on lean mass. Are you saying drop the Anavar (var) and EQ or up the dosage? I do not see me dropping the EQ but wondering if I should even use the Anavar (var) going with EQ and Test...Var produces lean muscle gains that you keep which is what I want. A friend of mine who is a body builder suggested it because he ran it with his first cycle of Test and Anavar (var) with his test only being 250mg of Enanthate a week for 10 weeks and did Anavar (var) for the first 6 weeks and put on 22lbs and kept 18 and was still lean
EQ is basically just "testosterone light." It doesn't have any special properties that testosterone doesn't have. But since it is like testosterone, it is a good steroid nevertheless.
so if you think EQ is Test light then why would someone not just run an EQ cycle? And if so, what do you recommend to run instead of EQ?
eq will give your appetite a boost and anavar will give you a nice stength boost whilst everything else is kicking in, I personally would use 500mg test with 600mg eq and the avavar
Use more EQ than Test? I believe I am going with the Sust every 3rd day because of how cheap I can get it right now and I talked to some people who have done it here and think every 3rd day is good plus you gotta learn your body so I'll find out. I know I'm going with Sust at 500mg and Arimidex at .25 a day, I'd like to go with EQ at 400mg that way if I do another cycle with EQ I will have room for improvement by going up to 600mg and with the Sust having prop in it, my question now is do I need the Anavar? I was going to use it for a jump start but the prop is going to kick in it quick. But, at the same time Anavar produces lean gains that you keep and I want that. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK
not so much prop in sust. i feel sust much quicker than enan, bu i would still put couple shoots of prop to kickstart (or anavar, if you like it). and if you keep your diet in check even testo can produce lean gains.
I'm definitely going to keep my diet in check...I'm even preparing myself to stop using so much ketchup and stuff because of sugars. I changed to Ezeikel bread instead of even using whole wheat. I definitely will have my diet in check to prevent the most amount of bloat possible. I would like to use Anavar instead of prop cuz I jumpstarted my first cycle with prop and it hurt badly plus Anavar (var) is mild and the gains are so clean and kept. What mg do you suggest and for how long, Diabou?
weeks 1-12: 500mg sustanon pw
weeks 1-12: 600mg equipoise pw
weeks 1-15 or 9-15: 60mg anavar ed

pct starts day after last anavar tab

at lower doses such as 400mg eq you might only get the appetite boost from it.
the longer and higher you can run anavar, the better.
sust every outher day mon wen fri good kick start from the prop then again im doing a mil and a half m w f test ent is a better choice if going with every 3rd day, youl get uneven test levels if you run sust e 3rd day
weeks 1-12: 500mg sustanon pw
weeks 1-12: 600mg equipoise pw
weeks 1-15 or 9-15: 60mg anavar ed

pct starts day after last anavar tab

at lower doses such as 400mg eq you might only get the appetite boost from it.
the longer and higher you can run anavar, the better.

you must mean Anavar 1-6 or 9-15 60mg/day

15 weeks of an oral would not be desirable
you must mean Anavar 1-6 or 9-15 60mg/day

15 weeks of an oral would not be desirable

anavar is probably the only oral i would consider running that long as its pretty mild on the liver. you could run a liver protectant if you're concerned. liver values should return to normal shortly after stopping the var. usually cost is the biggest issue for most people which is why i included the option of just running it for 6 weeks up until pct.
so if you think EQ is Test light then why would someone not just run an EQ cycle? And if so, what do you recommend to run instead of EQ?
EQ-only is a fine cycle. It just takes more EQ to achieve similar results to testosterone-only.
So Ferrari you think that Sust every 3rd day is fine and you are saying to roll with 600mg of EQ instead of 400. The EQ I can get is 250/ml so what do you think of 500mg of Sust and 500mg of EQ a week and why do say to only go 12 weeks instead of 14 or 15? Also, is the Anavar (var) needed? Will it make that much of a difference? It is too pricey to get and it not be needed. I was going to use it for a jump start when I planned to use Test E but if I'm going with a Sust my question is do you think I need a jump start? And what is your opinion on an EQ only cycle or any cycle without test for that matter? What do you think about EQ and Anavar (var) only?
I ain't tryin to go without any test and get shut down and not be able to get up...what about a Sustanon (sust) and Anavar (var) cycle? My man says just to introduce one new compound to my body at a time so I can know what works and what effects each has. I have only took Test Cyp so I know how my body reacts to Test. Now, do you all recommend I introduce the EQ or the Anavar....remember I want a clean bulk. OPINIONS PLEASE
I am running 550mg Sustonan 250 and 750mg EQ. Let me just tell you that these two combined are amazing. I am on my 9th week, and I am looking huge right now. Just so you know, I am not bulking right now, I am just trying to burn all of my fat off, and the steroids are to help me to maintain my muscle, and maybe get some faster gains in muscle out of it too, to help burn the calories. My workout, diet, and everything I do is based around burning fat and getting cut, but the steroids alone are making my muscles huge.

I am 6'1, 229lbs and eating less than 2500 calories a day (bulking would be around 5,000), so this should show you how well these steroids work, so just imagine if you are trying to bulk. The EQ has cut me up hardcore, and made my muscles solid rock hard, and the Sustanon (sust) just made my muscles extremely big, and my strength is through the roof.

So I suggest upping your EQ to 750mg (400mg is way, way too low). You should do a 16 week cycle for these two and you will start to feel the Sustanon (sust) within 4 weeks, and the EQ will really show within 6 weeks. I can only imagine how much better these would work if I was trying to bulk.