Sust Tren e and Dbol


New member
Please know let me know what you guys think about this cycle.

I have ran Tren a in my last 2 cycles with very little sides. This will be the first time running Tren e.??? I do have nova on hand just in case.. There is also a post cycle plained. This will be a 12 week cycle. Running Dbol weeks 1-4 and 9-12


Mon 30mg dbol-250mg sust-200mg tren e = 480mg

Tue 30mg dbol = 30mg

Wed 30mg dbol- 250mg Sustanon (sust) = 280mg

Thur 30mg dbol=30mg

Fri 30mg dbol-250mg sust- 200mg tren e=480mg

sat 30mg dbol

sun 30mg dbol- 250mg sust= 280mg

= 1610mg

Week 2

Mon 30mg dbol

Tue 30mg dbol-250mg sust-200mg tren e = 480mg

Wed 30mg dbol=30mg

Thur 30mg dbol-250mg Sustanon (sust) =280mg

Fri 30mg dbol =30mg

Sat 30mg dbol-250mg sust-200mg tren e =480

Sun 30mg dobol =30

= 1330
Why not run Deca instead? I like the idea of Dbol as a kickstart or whilst Coming to the end of a cycle but realistically speaking Deca would likely yield the results you're looking for, you could actually include the Deca throughout the cycle along with the D-Bol and tren e but I would end the dbol after week 4 and not add it back after that..

That's just me though.
Know what I didn't see you had Sustanon (sust) in here....

It's not looking so bad after all but I'd still not do the dbol at the end of the cycle..
I would not run the dbol at the end as well. I like the ideal of doing the deca at the end. But its not really needed.
Thanks guys. Will prob just kick the Dbol at the end. I have never added it at the end was gonna see how it worked. About the deca. If I add it when how much and how long? Also what's your thoughts on the tren e vs tren a. I know the difference love the A just never tried the E.