sustanon 250 and bldenone


New member
Hey everybody, I'm new to this forum.I'm thinking about doing my first cycle, sustanone 250 and boldenone.I'm working out 5 years, and I wanna get on another level.
I'm 28, 18% body fat 6 ft and 235-240 lb.Do you guys have any suggestion?Thanks.
First cycle should always be Test only- this will establish your baseline. Your current idea will be hard to manage.
Brother for one if you run EQ you are looking at a 16 week cycle minimum. How about test e only for 12 weeks? wait 3 weeks and start your pct depending on the dose you use.
Jump back OP and start out with a Test only for your first cycle. Due to the way you have NOT laid you cycle outline and protocol out it tells me you need to learn more. read all the sticky posts on here.