Sustanon 250 and Tren E. .....................

Sim diezel

New member
Let’s say one is about to enter week 4 of a sustanon 250 cycle and he wants to add Tren E. Would a 100mg bottle suffice to finish off the run. What auxiliaries would he need? I’m on a basic sustanon run but he wants to up the ante?
No. Even 200mg a week would only give you 10 shots. That's 2 shots a week for tren e. Tren e doesn't even kick in until week 5. Youd run out just as soon as it started to kick in. 200mg is too low of a dose anyways. 300-400 for beginners.
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Why are you using sustanon? Upping the ante would be waiting till week 8 when it fully saturates.