Sustanon 250 dbol recovery


New member
I had run a sust250 dbol cycle about a year ago. I have been shut down for about 8months after and am now recovering slowly. I had recently gotten blood work done. I am 21 yrs old. My total test was 553 and free test 146.1 I haven't done a baseline bloodwork test so I don't know what I started at. My nuts are still on the smaller side but don't have access to HCG. Should I run another nolva clomid cycle? My pct for that cycle was horrible as I only had nolva. My sex drive is slightly higher but still weaker erections than normal. Most days I have morning woods. So I feel as if I'm recovering but just want to hear from the best and take every precaution. Advice or suggestions would be amazing.
so run a full PCT start with HCT for a week and get your nads back to normal size and then do a full pct with climid and Nolva and add igf-1Lr3

If that doesn't do it nothing will.
so run a full PCT start with HCT for a week and get your nads back to normal size and then do a full pct with climid and Nolva and add igf-1Lr3

If that doesn't do it nothing will.

Haven't heard back from you, but I've been doing a lot of research and what do you think the dosing should be on this?