Sustanon 250 Flu Symptoms?


New member
Currently on my first cycle - 10th day of 500mg/week of Sustanon 250. Last two days I have started with night sweats and a general feeling of tiredness. Could this be symptoms of Sus flu or just a general illness?
Could be either but based on timing and symptoms it sounds like "test flu".
It is due to hormonal fluctuations. When your hormone levels stabilize it should even out and go away. Are you taking an ai ?
Where are you located ? Jimi nailed it but I got to add--

This has been without a doubt the worst allergy season ever for me. I m talking cough, lethargic, sore throat, eye s...for 2 weeks. I m good to go now but wow. Granted I live in the wetlands where the oaks meet the water but this year was epic.