Sustanon 250mg Ratio To NPP 100mg?


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45 yr old male, 207lbs, 5' 10. 4th the cycle. I've used both of these in the past but with no specific ratio of the two. Last cycle was 750 mg sustanon, 200mg NPP a week split in 2 shots, for 14 weeks. Diet not exacly the greatest nor the worst. Not real prone to gyno and take Stane as needed from RUI to ward it off. Looking for a good mass building this go around. The question I have, is there a preference "ratio" to these two or is it just personal preference?
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Did you not use an ai? Pinning both twice per week isn't recommended. Every other day is the norm...
Dosing is all personal preference. 200mgs of npp a week is kinda a low dose. It will help with joints but that's about it...
750mg sustanon and 300npp a week pinned M/W/Sat will be my next cycle. Blood test came back and everything looked good, but I'm not sure exactly sure what it should say. Testosterone Serum came back at 438, not exactly sure if that's considered low, but it is lower on the scale.
750mg sustanon and 300npp a week pinned M/W/Sat will be my next cycle. Blood test came back and everything looked good, but I'm not sure exactly sure what it should say. Testosterone Serum came back at 438, not exactly sure if that's considered low, but it is lower on the scale.

It depends on the time of day you had the draw done.

There is no magical ratio between nandrolone and testosterone; it's a very old practice that comes from a time before proper estradiol control was widely available. I agree with the above, 200-300mg/wk is awfully low for anything but therapeutic benefits.
My blood was drawn at around 1PM after fasting from about 10am the night before. What would you suggest as a proper dose of NPP? I have the results from the test if you need any numbers togive an opinion.
400mg minimum NPP for me. 600 worked very well but as said you need to pin every other day. I kept the test to a maintenance dose and exploded with little sides, sexual or estrogenic. That's my experience with a few NPP cycles. Probably not the norm in terms of low test dose though
Thanks, DB, I will up it to 750 Sustanon and 600 NPP and see how I feel and react to it. I will pin Mon/Wed/Sat.
My blood was drawn at around 1PM after fasting from about 10am the night before. What would you suggest as a proper dose of NPP? I have the results from the test if you need any numbers togive an opinion.

I kind of figured that it was an afternoon draw, which can severely decrease the amount of testosterone measured on a blood panel. You're probably closer to 650ng/dL, which is respectable for guys our age. ;)

400mg/wk is a decent dose, but I would personally aim more towards 600mg personally to see the anabolic benefits. Just remember that at a higher dose, estradiol control becomes more important as prolactin will issue you a one-way ticket to limpville - or worse - the lactation station. :p