Sustanon 500mg/week cycle log


New member
Hey Bro's
Going to be running a cycle of -

Sus - 500mg/week - 10 weeks
nolvadex - 5mg/day week 1-4
10mg/day week 5-15
pregnyl - 500iux2/week 11-13
clomid - 50mg/day week 14-15
clen - 40mcg/day week 15-20

this is my 3rd cycle, done 2 a few years back of nomaviron and sus but not everything was really in check(esp. pct) and i was drinking and partying heavily.
Going to try do it right this time.

My Supplements-
-Morning i have a whey protein shake
-afternoon before gym i have a mass shake
-After gym i take usn creatine anabolic
-before bed 5000mg of gaba.
My stats-
age 24
weight-170 lbs(77kg)
lifting around 3 years
pretty much anything full of protein,
alot of fish, chicken, meat, veg etc.
pretty much pick up around 4kg's(8.5lbs) of clean solid muscle.
taking nolvadex through to keep the bloat off and estrogen at bay....

Any comments or suggestions will be appreciated.
will update end of every week on progress.
the bro's? anyone got comments or advice to give me?? im around 10% bodyfat too.....

Anyways first week has past and i picked up 2kg's already.... No real noticable strength increase yet, but getting good pumps at the gym.
feeling stronger and my mood has been alot better.
using some b12 with the sustanon, as it seems to make the injection site less painful.

benchpress-100kgs-12 reps no problem
leg press-280kg's-10 reps no problem
arm curl-24kg's-10 reps no problem
How much pregnyl do you have? because you should run it to the 4 days prior to start of post cycle therapy (pct). If you run pregnyl for last 2wks of cycle and then stop it for a period before pct, negates the use of even using it.
Your serm tratment should be 4wks not 1wk.
Your Sustanon (sust) cycle I would up to 12wks.
What does "clen - 40mcg/day week 15-20" mean? I don't think 5wks is long enough for clen imo, plus are you not tapering your doses up and down over a 3wk period?
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i have 5000iu's of pregnyl(HCG)...will maybe spread it over a 3 week period and stop 4 days before clomid therapy begins.

Ok agreed on the serm treatment, will run it for 4 weeks after pregnyl therapy ends(was originally 2 weeks(14 and 15).

Well i have 100 tabs of clen(40mcg), will just run it till it finishes. if i work it out i have 16tabs per week for 6 weeks......which is more than sufficient imo.

Im sure all this should be sufficient for a successful PCT?

Sustanon will remain at 10 weeks.
anyways, my update is as follows

still at 78kg's.
Feeling good in the gym and getting good pumps. Focusing on better form and technique at the gym, instead of pumping away as heavy as i can.
week 3 is starting now, and lloking forward to making some good gains soon, but i know from previous sustanon that these should only appear around week 5.

Bench 120kg's - 5reps at end of sets
leg press 280kg
arm curl - 25kg's

This week im really going to go a bit extra at the gym and get in some heavy weights with low reps.
eating down alot, mostly chicken, and keeping the shakes flowing!
what`ll happen?

I`m on my second cycle now a it was kinda half-assed because I only had 17 Sustanon, 9 Deca but I thought when i Started that this was gonna be the ultimate cycle cuz I had to orders coming my way with a value of 1000$`s each containing everthing from Testo to Clen and Anbol tabs!! And it was a safe site, I`ve ordered there 3 times before-but both shipment never came to my country!!?? Weird,huh? And now waiting for another with Anabol,Clenbuterol and a few with Sustanon.
If this one comes I wanna start with the D-bol but I`m in week 7 and have enough test for another 5 1/2 weeks mor. Can I start now, what kinda results kan I be expeting from 40 mg, and will it fuck up my aromatization cure if i stop before my Nolvadex treatment? And is Clenbuterol a good cutting drug?
how do i post pics up for you all to check?fuck sakes!!!(roid rage kicking in):bash:

Haha, anyways cycle is going tops, half way through 3rd week and feeling good, focusing on heavier weights and lower reps this week...

Bench went up to 130kg's-5 reps
squat 110kgs-8reps
leg press-280kg's-10 reps
incline bench-44kg's reps
if you want to convert to lb's just X by 2.2

Everything is in check so far, feeling hungry as a lion in the day time, really eating down on alot of food...:40oz:

Will measure in the end of the week and let you all know how its affected my size so far.
3rd week so im taking 10mg nolvadex /day...keeping it dry.
weel in week 4 now.

Strength is picking up really good now.
Weight is now 79.5kg.
squat - 130kg
bench 130kg
arm curl 25 kg
leg press 310kg

Staying pretty dry, takling 10 mg nolvadex a day, will up to 20mg in week 6.
Looking forward to more power increase!
Normally when i done a cycle i used to throw d-bol in the begining, but i chose not too this time round, and im quite happy, my aggression levels are not as high as they used to be when juicing, and the acne on my back is not as intense.
Although you get huge gains in the begining with d-bol, its normally all just water(80%) that you lose in anyways, and i was not going for the buff look in the first place.
instead im concentrating on leaner, more quality when opting not to use a oral, one needs to be a bit more patient with the results to show.

Sex drive is through the roof! im like a damn stallion...although i have notice a bit of shrinkage in my boys down there....going to just shoot up pregnyl towards the end to sort that out.

hey bro's

In week 6 now, and have not picked up any serious weight, still weigh 79.6(only picked up 2.5kg's) but dropped 2% in body fat which is great. ,im not sure if it could be the nolvadex keeping my dry? any comments?

Strength is seriously through the roof..
bench is up too 150kg's
squat is 130kg's
leg press - 330kgs
arm curl - 25kg's

Should start to notice gains soon i hope. but on the whole im feeling good and enjoying it so far.
eating plenty and getting that protein in.
shrinkage is noted now and count is low down there....not too concerned though... im sure the pregnyl and clomid will sort that out...

Going to keep running the nolva right through and will up to 20mg at begining week 8.

Will update next week if anymore gains er made. Peace!
well im in week 8 now, and seem to be stuck at 80kg's? any ideas why im not picking up more weight?
Taking 20mg of nolvadex /day, keeping nice and dry, still strong as ever too...

Was thinking of running Winstrol (winny) at 250mg/week(for 4 weeks) from week 10 till pct starts, what do you all think about that? should i run a higher dosage? just thought it might add to vascularity of the muscles.

would love to pick up more mass, but it does nott seem like im going to.....????
i am eating loads man, just not seeming to gain, extending my course to 12 weeks and going to up my carb and protein, this is pissing me off...:flamingma

going to add winni inject for 5 weeks towards the end, 200mg/week, i hope it helps to get a bit more vascular....
ya guys, i been taking nolvadex right through my cycle, could this have fucked my gains up a bit?
anyways im trying to load with the calories now and see if i can get any other results these last 4 weeks.....the winni im hoping with really harden me up.