Sustanon and dianabol cycle


New member
I'll be running tri sust by pro chem
Tri sust 250mg Monday and 250mg Thursday for 10weeks

Dianabol by pro chem 50mg per day for 40days

Arimidex 1mg e3d

14days after last pin of sust
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

How does this look guys any help would be appreciated thanks
I'm 22 I'm 190lbs and done 2cycles about a year ago and I only have 1mg arimidex tablets that's why I was going to take one every3days hmm Duno what would u recommend
I'm 22 I'm 190lbs and done 2cycles about a year ago and I only have 1mg arimidex tablets that's why I was going to take one every3days hmm Duno what would u recommend

Since you asked, I would recommend that you do not cycle at your young age. Your body and brain are still developing. Wait until you are 25 years old.

When you are 25 or older and decide to run this cycle, I would get a pill splitter and divide the arimidex pills into 4 pieces. Then you can take .25mg of Arimidex every other day. That is a good starting point. Get blood work after about 6 weeks to see how your E2 and everything else is doing and make adjustments to your AI dose if indicated.
I have to agree with Megatron. Wait a few more years. Your body is already producing enough testosterone.