Sustanon/EQ/Anavar Cycle help


New member
Hi im currently preparing my Next Cycle and i havent done any in 2-3 years so would need some advice:
I already got all the gears except the EQ coming in around next week
(OPTIONAL : DBOL 30mg ed Week 1-4)
Eq 600 mg Week 1-14
Sustanon 500mg Week 1-13
Anavar 50mg ed Week 9-12
Arimidex 0.5 EOD Week 1-12

* Gonna be shooting EOD

Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50

I also have enough Test Prop for 2 weeks 100mg EOD
Should i use it at the end of my cycle and then start pct 3 days after last prop inject ?

Also i have some hcg but 3 bottles of 5000 iu, and i cant get any bac water or 500 iu bottles so when should i take the hcg this time ?

28 Years old
84 kg
BF % 10-12 (not sure havent checked in a while)
5-6 years of lifting (workout everyday Working in a gym)

Previous Cycles :
-Test E Dbol
-Test E Dbol and Deca
-Test e and Eq ( was a crap cycle ran it for 10 weeks and eq was only at 400 mg pr week)

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