There's no way in any cycle that mast replaces an ai.
I never said that. what i mean is, when it's possible, if ther's other solutions, to avoid A.I is a benefit. because of the effect on procollagen I II and III.
when it's possible.
a simple exemple, i knew guys for whom, test-tren-stanosolol was concidered as best cycle ever... fool...
the result is great... for a short time!
well that is how they did it : sustanon for 12 weeks tren-e for 12 weeks and stanozolol for 12 weks to.
letrozol 1.25mg/ed for some of them, or anastrozol 0.5/ed or aromasin 12.5mg/ed... i heard about everything yet.
always the same story. they thought than stanosolol could keep trenbolone sides away.
and that what happen : inflammation of shoulders, elbow, and other plaisant little things...
the reason was. too low estrogen almost 0% because of : A.I with stanozolol and tren.
it was years before cabergoline use. long time ago. but i learned the lesson.
sometimes A.I have to be took with high very high precaution. and be in cycle only when it's needed.
Sometimes. and not for all cycle.
i ran tren more than any guy i met till now; and i'm learning frequently new things each year; ther's so many things that seems logic, but in fact after years, they are not.
and i will add some other brand on this list. view : 111, 745 and ther's other thread i made about tren from UGL;
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