sweet potatoes


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Silly question maybe.........

But how do you cook sweet potatoes?

Are they different from Yams? How do you cook Yams?
poke some holes in it with a fork a nuke the bitch in the microwave for 8-10 minutes it should be soft to the touch when done
or you can bake them in the oven for 30-40 min. at 400. i eat them both ways!! the oven cooked ones just taste better~
I par boil them and then finish cooking them by stir frying them in Extra Virgin Olive Oil with red onions and sun dried tomatoes- delicious
I nuk'em for 5 mins in a little water then bake em for 20 mins in the oven. best of both worlds. I also cut them up and bake them with olive oil and seasoning. sweat potato fries. Good stuff
huskyguy said:
I par boil them and then finish cooking them by stir frying them in Extra Virgin Olive Oil with red onions and sun dried tomatoes- delicious

yum, that sounds good!:D
baked is best. for some reason it doesn't dry them out as much.

you can also cut them into half inch cubes, drop them into a steamer basket and steam them until they are cooked through. this way they retain a lot of moisture, nutrients and flavor.
try steaming them and then finish them off by grilling them in a basket on the grill --the grilled taste is great on sweet potatoes
i usually cook my food in bulk for the week, so ill buy like 4-5 sweet potatoes, cut them in half or thirds depending on how long they are, and put them in the oven at 425 for like 45 minutes.

when im on cheat day or grilling, i cut then long ways into 1/4" slices, and throw them on the grill for about 30 seconds on each side, keep flipping if you want.. to get the grilled tasted, then put them in the oven for 30 minutes or less.

you can also microwave some honey, butter and a pinch of salt in a bowl and brush it on while its on the grill, then brush it again when you put it in the oven.