Swelling of the injection site and associated area


New member
Is swelling a fairly common side effect for most people? A bit unnerving seeing thigh so swollen, pain level is acceptable, no visual issues other then swelling. Slowly goes away over four to five days. Please if you have the same issue and/or its a regular occurrence, let me know. Or maybe it's something else?
Hopefully some vets chime in here, but it seems to me it could be an allergic reaction. I've heard of this.

Any excessive bleeding? How confident are you in you injection technique?
Is swelling a fairly common side effect for most people? A bit unnerving seeing thigh so swollen, pain level is acceptable, no visual issues other then swelling. Slowly goes away over four to five days. Please if you have the same issue and/or its a regular occurrence, let me know. Or maybe it's something else?

Some swelling is normal, especially if it's a "virgin" muscle, or a high concentration dose of gear. Look for a fever/chills and spiderweb-like veins around the site as indications of infection. Do not rub or apply ice to the sites as these can make it worse.

Are you rotating more than two sites as well? Putting oil back into a spot that still hasn't healed can make for a grumpy injection site. ;)

My .02c :)

Edit: Haha, you beat me this time Schredder! :p
How mush of a lump is it hot or just a little warm in that spot did you go deep enough with the pin
I can think of so many more questions but lets start here
(I think) My technique is good. Not nervous, holding it still, going slowly. I admit to pinning the glute repeatedly. Leg/hip area got swollen. Put 2ml and have since
backed down to .5ml in same area. Delt pin no reaction, quad pin swollen. ( deca/tren ). Test in left glute, mild pain no swelling.
Lump is a sore spot at injection site, no spider veins or chills, etc, except for Canadian winter.
No excessive bleeding, no leaking. But yes it does seem to be like an allergic reaction, because the swelling is in the tissues of the injection site and those below it.
Butt and thigh swole up and looked like Kim K's ass. ( on one side )
doesn't sound like you are doing anything improper. I would have some suspicion of the manufacturer as well as some concentration. After you rule out the allergy reaction I would try a blend. I have blend Super 400 test with some Deca, lowered the dose in one site, you can do two (2) injections for dosing. That's all I have to share with my experience over my years.
Good luck n be careful.
The only time ive gotten swollen in the past is due to overuse of an injection site.

What gear are you injecting? Is it a high concentration?
I had a reaction like that when using Balkan gear. I think it was something to do with the contents in the oil. My ass really swelled up, it was like sitting on a big balloon. However, after a couple weeks and a few shots, it went away. So my body just had to adjust to the contents.
Another way swelling could happen is if there was an infection due to poor cleaning of the area.
Lastly, you can also hit a nerve or pinch a vein.
I had a reaction like that when using Balkan gear. I think it was something to do with the contents in the oil. My ass really swelled up, it was like sitting on a big balloon. However, after a couple weeks and a few shots, it went away. So my body just had to adjust to the contents.
Another way swelling could happen is if there was an infection due to poor cleaning of the area.
Lastly, you can also hit a nerve or pinch a vein.

Listen if you hit a nerve, really HIT a nerve you'll likely NOT finish the injection...WOW sharp instant PAIN.
If you did any damage to a vein it would bleed internally and you would have an edema. You would see some discoloration. With this understanding you can have a better view (pun) of the situation and ruling out a e few suspicions. Good luck seems you got a handle :)
I definately had some golf ball sized welts that hurt like hell for up to a week and they turned out to be nothingl.... but one of them had to be drained and packed ect... only tiem will tell tbh
I've done 100s of injections.. Never had an injection site swell, don't get any pip.
It's just gotta be due to your gear IMO
I've done 100s of injections.. Never had an injection site swell, don't get any pip.
It's just gotta be due to your gear IMO

You also probably rotate your sites too. I have been on pharmaceutical testosterone for 5 years now and have gotten pip from not knowing better (docs don't talk about rotating sites), and kept pinning my right quad twice a week. Have a quarter-sized lump of scar tissue to remind me of how doctors don't know everything. ;)
You also probably rotate your sites too. I have been on pharmaceutical testosterone for 5 years now and have gotten pip from not knowing better (docs don't talk about rotating sites), and kept pinning my right quad twice a week. Have a quarter-sized lump of scar tissue to remind me of how doctors don't know everything. ;)

It's that some of the stuff to tell you they just don't care enough to go a the distance with instructions.
You also probably rotate your sites too. I have been on pharmaceutical testosterone for 5 years now and have gotten pip from not knowing better (docs don't talk about rotating sites), and kept pinning my right quad twice a week. Have a quarter-sized lump of scar tissue to remind me of how doctors don't know everything. ;)

Delts - glutes - quads

My right quad is my fav go to spot,,(sounds like it's yours too) , I'll have to keep what u said about scar tissue in mind though
Delts - glutes - quads

My right quad is my fav go to spot,,(sounds like it's yours too) , I'll have to keep what u said about scar tissue in mind though

Ugh, I absolutely hate quads. Won't ever do them again, every single quad injection I've done has damn near killed me lol.

atm I'm pinning ED and enjoy rotating calves, traps, pecs, ventroglutes and glutes much more than quads.
It's that some of the stuff to tell you they just don't care enough to go a the distance with instructions.
Nope, they definitely lack in that area. Good thing there are places like ology. ;)

Delts - glutes - quads

My right quad is my fav go to spot,,(sounds like it's yours too) , I'll have to keep what u said about scar tissue in mind though

Yeah, quads are definitely my favorite. Ventroglutes are getting there, but I like being able to pin while seated. :)
Glutes and delts for me. I also do not like the quads. It seems to sting me more than not, and usually bleeds like a pig. Jut anywhere for me at all locations in my quads. I still use them but try to stay away. Never did calves.
Ugh, I absolutely hate quads. Won't ever do them again, every single quad injection I've done has damn near killed me lol.

atm I'm pinning ED and enjoy rotating calves, traps, pecs, ventroglutes and glutes much more than quads.


You sir are a true stallion. I don't know ANYONE that has taken a calf pin and did it again. LOL.