Kinda crazy how we are all different in regards to pin sites.. I'd like to find a few more that work for me,, prob experiment with b-vitamin to explore new sites (way easier then oil).. My preferred spot was glutes when getting on trt years back,, but obviously went to quads and delts once getting into running blasts and multiple compounds.. My glutes have now become my least favorite spot though..
Prob cause I read some where in some steroid bible that diff types of gear are site specific.. And the injection site will respond first.. Prob not true.. But primo was on that list, so sure as shit I'm injecting that in my quads and delts, not my ass (just in case there is any truth to it.. Never done any research on the idea,, but funny how things you read somewhere sometime effect you,,,, heck injecting in my glutes, even if it's deca just reminds me of my first few rounds of trt treatment, I prefer deca in the delts).. My thighs are a weak point (due to multiple lower back surgeries and missing plenty of bone and disc),, but subconsciously maybe I inject my quads more comfortably just thinking they are a weak point ( and I read somewhere some bullshit in the past that injection site is relevant depending on the compound )..
As for pip being due to the gear.. I'm about to experiment on myself on this topic pretty soon.. My fav compounds have been all prescription pharmacy gear and never had swelling or pip . If UGL primo gives me pip or swelling,, and script never has,, then personally u brewers out there need to push your standards up and push UGL to produce pharm grade gear,, if the local pharmacy gives me deca or whatever and there is no pip, yet a UGL gives me deca and I have pip,, something is up and wrong.
Running a combination of both pharma gear and UGL gear next cycle will tell the tell if pip, injection site swelling etc. is based on the gear.. If doing an injection of script grade deca gives nothing (which it never has),, but the same injection of UGL deca a bit later gives to swelling and pip,, case closed.
Either way I've obviously had too much kratom tea to drink and thc mints,, and this post feels like it took me an hour to type, but it's only been like 5 mins,, soo whatever