switching from tren e to tren a


New member
What's up guys, new to this forum. Got a question. I'm mid way through week 6 of my cycle which is test and tren e. My question is this, how can I switch from tren e to tren a, should I wait a week from last tren e pin then starting shooting tren a? Do I start pinning tren a right away? Thanks for the help
I don't know a whole lot about either, but why are you switching? Don't you have to pin Tren A more frequently?

Yea but I'm 6.5 weeks in and haven't noticed much in terms of physical changes. I mean I'm a lot stronger but really looking for the physical changes and I already got 20cc's of tren a ready to go. I know a lot of ppl say it takes a while with tren e and maybe Il stick it out but I really wanna know how to properly switch over in case I do decide to switch
If you want to be technical about it, you should wait about two weeks, then start the ace. However, depending on your dose - you could probably start it on your next pin with little issue.

Just be aware if you start it right away, you may see a few more sides pop up until levels drop back down as the enanthate clears your system.

My .02c :)