Switching orals during cycle?


New member
No this is not an oral only cycle!! About to run test c/ tren a and eq.

What is your opinions on switching up orals every few days so your body never gets used to what you are taking?

Has anyone tried this?

For example anadrol 2 days straight then anavar 3 days straight then 3 days of turanabol. Constantly switching these three up.

This video has me looking into it!

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Now I'm no college professor on the subject but I'm going to pull one out of left field here n say your better off sticking to the same oral throughout the run. Btw, looks like u just joined here. Welcome. Stats, cycle history?
I think I might just mix up turanabol and var a little bit. I have never mixed Orals before so I thought I would give it a go after watching that video.
Stats- Age -27
Height 6ft 1 225 pounds. 12% body fat.

I have 3 cycles under my belt.

Cycle 1- test e at 500mg a week for 10 weeks. Pct - I just tapered off.

Cycle 2- test e at 500mg a week for 12 weeks tren A at 250 mgs for 8 weeks. Pct- nova and clomid. terrible recovery!!

Cycle 3- test e 600mgs for 16 weeks. Deca at 400 mgs a week for 12 weeks. Anavar at 80 mgs a day for 7 weeks. Hcg 500 Ius a week during cycle. Ran 500 ius for 10 days after cycle then started pct 4 days after. Pct- clomid and nova. I also ran arimidex and dostinex during this cycle. Recovered great!!!!
Pick one and stick to it. You will have much better results doing that. Your link didnt work but, I sure hope thats not a Piana video. If it is take everything he says.....and forget it.
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Even though orals are short acting...it's best to stay on them and let them build up to peak levels. Then stay the course and let them do their work. Your theory would be switching compounds right when they start to work.

You can certainly kick start a cycle with an oral...take a few weeks off and run a different oral for a finisher...just gotta give them time to work.
The means by which many work require some time for the benefits. For example dbol is excellent at creating a positive nitrogen balance and increasing protein synthesis. In order for you to make gains via these anabolic effects you are required to maintain such a state for an extended period. I am afraid by stitching you would be robbing yourself of this.