Switching up your Routine.

G2 said:
JCP2, your like "come on over to the training forum, we'll help you there" LOL thats a joke. You should have said we'll poke fun at you and raise BS flags. I tell you what, forget I asked and thanks for nothing!

you see the thing is, you are asking for help. we notice you arent squatting. hell you dont even do legs at all. alot of your gains come from squatting so when we see you try to dodge it with excuses like lack of time, youre asking to get flamed. i used to think the diet was the hardest part but i really think it lies in the training.

everybody wanna be a bodybuilder, but dont nobody wanna lift no heavy ass weights - ronnie coleman
I could never bench over 225 until I listened to the guys on here and started squatting and pulling deads. Now alil over a year later my bench has grown 100 lbs. If I couldnt fit in legs hell Id just quit it all together. In NC we call people who dont do legs "BIRDMEN" Suck it up and SQUAT
Here is the thing.....I think you "mods" handled the whole thing wrong. Instead of doing it your way why not just say you need to do legs, period. Offer me a leg routine? Offer me personal experience? I am not a "birdman" by any means. The last time I squated was about 6 weeks ago and I got 325lbs 4 times and I made sure my partner watched my legs and they went parallel to the ground. Somehow this whole thread got away from its original intention.
Yeah maybe I do. Lets see, you told me to come and post a thread in this forum so you "all" could help me. So far you have told me to read a thread that I already have. My question wasnt "Should I do legs?". As a matter of fact it had absolutley NOTHING to do with legs. It was about switching your routine. I guess I am a "birdman" cause I dont squat 1750lbs like you. Thanks for the help. :rolleyes:
your quite welcome. glad we could help.

i wouldnt be bragging on 325x5 either.

and the world record is 1200 not 1750.

and one mo thang, a parallel squat gets you redlighted at a PL meet.
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dude you wanted advice on switching up your routine, and when every single person suggested you do legs, you got the shits!!!
hahahahaa best thread ever
There was a routine that was posted on this thread. Kinda like the "sticky" one but a little different ...Then in dissapeared...hrm funny...where did it go...Was it a little custom one....Bring it back boneheads.
hey bro, listen to these guys, they're trying to help u out. Wish I wouldve had someone tell me that shit about 3 yrs ago!! :spank: I was like u, just focused on upper body never worried about legs(always had a reason for not training them)- I'd train legs at best 1 x month, but was more like every other month. Now, I can bench more then I squatt. THis is the 1st yr. I got serious about legs- now that they're lagging way behind compared to my upper body. Could say I have a prison build, thats what they call people w/big upper body and small ass legs. Even if u can only train 2 or maybe 3 x a week, it is imperative that u train legs. I agree w/huskyguy- if i could only do 2 exercises it would be deads and squatts. Just fit legs into your schedual, it'd be to your best interest. DOn't wait till its almost too late. Keep lifting.
Listen too every body, they all now what they talk aboute and they DONT mean to offend you! Im only lifting 2 times a week, and guess what?...... Squats, deds, bench and shoulders.. NO arms, why? Becaus I had to choose a couple of exsercices away....