Swole v2 on the way


New member
I got some swole v2 on the way, anybody got any suggestions on when to take it, (before workout or after)? Do you really have to take it twice a day or is once fine? And what should I expect; pumps, more energy, strength......?
- take it twice daily as recommended
- take one serving in the morning and one post wo
- expect bigger and better pumps, more energy, strength increases, no bloat, reduced recovery time
- get loads of water in
yes i have taken it before and i have a thread about it in bb.com
i did a comparison of several creatine products i tried over a period of a year and added 3 friends to the mix who were doing other training methods and had different goals. this is part of my v2 review from that thread:
Swole v2 review! 9.5/10
This was the undisputed king of the creatine based products I have tried! It had huge hype preceding it’s release and much discussion about it’s purported ‘’anti-creatine’’ containing formula. Well I was somewhat sceptical myself about the ingredients list and was sure that v12 would be the better product. Well I could not have been more wrong! It was better than v12 in every aspect except for pumps and vascularity! Strength gains were up, 9 pounds per lift average. Endurance was also up markedly from v12. Recovery time was just a little better than when on v12. I kept a whopping 7 pounds post cycle of the 10 pounds I gained while on cycle! The taste is great and I felt I could work out forever. And it was cheaper than v12! Great product and great results

hope this helps bro
jhov, thanks for all the help brother. That is exactly the information I was hoping I would get. Your the man......peace out
Got my Swole on Saturday and started taking it with food as stated on the bottle. I just want to make sure I'm not wasting this stuff, Should I be drinking it while I eat or eat then drink it? Should I take it right before my post wo shake or drink it then wait about 30min or so???
- drink with food that is fine to my knowledge r after is also fine
- take it immediately after training and then have your shake. you can also take it pre wo it is just based on personal preference bro
- make sure to get enough water in as well
- best of luck on your cycle bro!:)
i heard swole v2 is good but i wanna try the s.a.n. v-12 i heard its good too but u should be pretty set i know ull like the results
swole is good and v-12 is good it just depends how ull react to it but both of them are pretty good swole is just a lil cheaper but i thing about the same as good of quality